Beth Roberts was a proud fifth-generation Tasmanian whose early life with a governess and five siblings on the family sheep and cattle property contributed to her spiritual relationship with the land and the local Aboriginals. She eventually went to boarding school, and after her time as a nursing orderly in World War 2, graduated from the University of Melbourne as an occupational therapist. She turned to writing later in life, after raising her children.
Her first book (some editions being illustrated by her daughter Joanne (q.v.)), The Little Lake Who Cried (1976), clearly demonstrates her concern for the environment, a theme she developed in her subsequent children's books. Manganninie (1979), her most successful book, was made into a film, and translated into other languages.
Roberts began Rainbow Books publishing, but sold it when it took her away from her writing. Her last book, The Broomstick Wedding (2000), was published a year before her death.