One of Australia's leading horror fiction anthologists, Angela Challis has edited several ground-breaking anthologies including the critically-acclaimed Australian Dark Fantasy and Horror 'year's best' series (q.v.). In 2004 she and Shane Jiraiya Cummings founded Brimstone Press, a small press which has since established a strong track record of publishing these genres. Challis' involvement in publishing has also seen her take on a variety of roles and positions, including Editor-in-Chief of Black: Australian Dark Culture Magazine, Eye of Fire e-zine, and Shadowed Realms online magazine. A number of her edited publications have been nominated for Australia's genre fiction awards, and in 2009 she was awarded the Ditmar Award (Australian Science Fiction Award) for her achievements in establishing Black: Australian Dark Culture Magazine. A founding committee member of the Australian Horror Writers Association, Challis was re-elected to the AHWA Committee as Membership Officer in 2009.
In addition to her publishing activities Challis is also a founding Director of both The Ascension Group and Wisdom Within, organisations dedicated to unravelling the human psyche and the mysteries of the greater universe. Her interest in attempting to understand the tangled inner workings of the mind has seen her extensively involved in human services, dealing with traumatised and marginalised youth from Perth and surrounding areas. In this respect she holds qualifications in Youth Work, and Community Services.