Pavol Branko (International) assertion Pavol Branko i(A88751 works by)
Born: Established: 1921 ;
Gender: Male
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9 4 y separately published work icon Murder Must Wait Arthur W. Upfield , 1953 single work novel crime mystery detective
— Appears in: Vrazda musi pockat ; Vola kmena ; Prekliaty dom 1988; (p. Page numbers unavailable)
1 y separately published work icon Vrazda musi pockat ; Vola kmena ; Prekliaty dom Arthur W. Upfield , ( trans. Pavol Branko )expression Bratislava : Slovenský spisovateľ , 1988 Z1370622 1988 selected work novel
6 1 y separately published work icon The Will of the Tribe Arthur W. Upfield , Z962007 1962 single work novel mystery detective crime
— Appears in: Vrazda musi pockat ; Vola kmena ; Prekliaty dom 1988; (p. Page numbers unavailable)
This adventure of Inspector Napoleon (Bony) Bonaparte is set in North Western Australia; it deals with a corpse in a meteor crater and with vital information hidden behind the impassive mask of an aboriginal tribe, where only the half-black Bony has any hope of reaching it. The interplay between whites and blacks, from assimilated to wholly wild, is subtly and sensitively handled, and Bony emerges as one of the rare detective figures with genuine stature as a man. As in most Upfield novels, the geography, the geology and the cultural anthropology of Australia are living elements in the story (Cover, Collier 1984 ed.).
7 2 y separately published work icon Venom House Arthur W. Upfield , Z283537 1952 single work novel crime detective mystery
— Appears in: Vrazda musi pockat ; Vola kmena ; Prekliaty dom 1988; (p. Page numbers unavailable)

'The Answerth family's mansion seems to deserve its nickname of Venom House - perhaps because of its forbidding setting, an island in the centre of a man-made lake, its treacherous waters studded by the skeletons of long-dead trees. Perhaps it's because of the unquiet ghosts of the Aboriginals slaughtered by the Answerth ancestors. Whatever the reason, most people are content to give Venom House and its occupants a wide berth... until a couple of corpses turn up in the lake. Inspector Bonaparte has a sudden urge to get to knows the Answerths and their charming home much better... ' (Publication summary)

14 131 y separately published work icon Coonardoo : The Well in the Shadow Katharine Susannah Prichard , ( trans. Pavol Branko with title Kuunarduu ) Bratislava : Slovenský spisovateľ , 1980 Z1081769 1928 single work novel (taught in 39 units) Set in North-West of Western Australia, it describes life on cattle stations and the relationship between the white owner of the station and Coonardoo, an Aboriginal woman.
9 4 y separately published work icon The Lake Frome Monster Arthur W. Upfield , ( trans. Pavol Branko with title Netvor od Fromovho Jazera ) Bratislava : Mlade Leta , 1972 29145374 1966 single work novel crime detective
— Appears in: Boni I Myshka [and] Leiik-Froumskiii Koshmar 1996;