'The Watermark Literary Society was incorporated in December 2003 following the inaugural Watermark International Nature Writers' Muster.
- The purpose of the Society is to celebrate literature of nature and place and create opportunities for writers and readers to meet, share and enjoy that literature. We do this by: Running the Watermark Literary Muster every two years, drawing to the Camden Haven writers and presenters of the highest quality and literary reputation from throughout Australia and the world, and encouraging the participation of readers from across Australia and New Zealand
- Focusing on interaction and intimacy at Watermark to ensure an inspirational and exciting experience for all participants Offering the Watermark Literary fellowship in alternate years to provide an emerging Australian or New Zealand nature writer with the opportunity to spend three months working on their writing
- Partnering with like-minded organisations to underwrite the Society's two main activities and make the most of marketing and publicity opportunities
- Organising associated literary events and activities throughout the year that support the Society's purpose'
(Source: Watermark Literary Society website, http://www.watermarkliterarysociety.asn.au/society.htm)