Michael Kelly Michael Kelly i(A87809 works by)
Gender: Male
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1 y separately published work icon The Fairy Who Couldn't Fly Michael Kelly , Glenda Wise (illustrator), Melbourne : Sid Harta Publishers , 2016 9705509 2016 single work picture book children's

'She was so tiny and so scared that she hid in a deserted castle. Surely no one could hurt her there, she thought.'

'Who was she? Nobody knew.'

'One night, Greybold, a very brave baby possum, found her and discovered that not only couldn't she fly - she had no memory!

He has to help, and together they go on a remarkable journey to find the Royal Kingdom of Fairy Green.

Here she discovers the power of dreams and the importance of friendship.'

'Will she find out why she is different from other fairies? Why did her parents disappear so long ago? And what actually happened to them?' (Source: Dennis Jones & Associates website)

1 y separately published work icon The Circle of Stars Michael Kelly , Los Gatos : Smashwords , 2012 9712918 2012 single work children's fiction children's

'Fairy Bels is now living in her own house near the Great Hall of Dreams, and she can now fly with the other fairies. But she knows that her story has really only just begun. Who were her parents?What happened to them?This she must discover. Greybold turns up with some exciting news, and the pair take this to King Krel and Queen Shemma. Very soon we're in the amazing Crypt of Secrets, where Fairy Bels receives something special. Then she and Greybold embark on the second part of their adventure, Fairy Bels is now living in her own house near the Great Hall of Dreams, and she can now fly with the other fairies. But she knows that her story has really only just begun. Who were her parents?What happened to them?This she must discover. Greybold turns up with some exciting news, and the pair take this to King Krel and Queen Shemma. Very soon we're in the amazing Crypt of Secrets, where Fairy Bels receives something special. Then she and Greybold embark on the second part of their adventure, discovering the strange Nowly and the even stranger tree dwellers. in a strange castle where you can't go forwards or backwards. (Source: Eurobuch website)

1 y separately published work icon Corky and the Treefolk Michael Kelly , Buderim : David Bateman Ltd , 1985 Z1182730 1985 single work picture book children's