Bucknell University Press (International) assertion Bucknell University Press i(A87668 works by) (Organisation) assertion
Born: Established: 1968 Lewisburg, West Virginia,
United States of America (USA),
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The Bucknell University Press was founded in association with Associated University Presses, a consortium of university presses based in New Jersey. BUP publishes an average of 38 books per annum. Associated University Presses are responsible for the production and distribution of books. Since publishing its first book in 1969, the strengths of the University Press have traditionally been in English and American literature, French literature , German literature , Hispanic Studies, philosophy, and religion. (Taken from BUP's website http://www.bucknell.edu/ sighted 05/07/2006)

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Last amended 5 Jan 2007 13:56:41
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