'In first of the Kingdom of Nerada series, Cathoundral embarks on a mission to find the lost mermaid, Princess Nerada.
'Isabella Airyfairyabelous, a dreamer and a seeker, discovers Cathoundral, the rainbow dragon, in the moat and hunts dragons with friends, Seral-the-Wise, the king’s chief doughnut maker and Heinrich Merrimen.
'Encountering a dragon is a thrilling, unpredictable and exciting experience—yet it is so unfathomable, uncontainable and never ever quantifiable. How can Isabella extract a dragon cure from a volatile dragon, a monster? The elusivity of Cathoundral is profound and unquantifiable…ungraspable. It is never the same as fighting a Giant of Geri, a cyclops.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.