'In first of the Kingdom of Nerada series, Cathoundral embarks on a mission to find the lost mermaid, Princess Nerada.
'Isabella Airyfairyabelous, a dreamer and a seeker, discovers Cathoundral, the rainbow dragon, in the moat and hunts dragons with friends, Seral-the-Wise, the king’s chief doughnut maker and Heinrich Merrimen.
'Encountering a dragon is a thrilling, unpredictable and exciting experience—yet it is so unfathomable, uncontainable and never ever quantifiable. How can Isabella extract a dragon cure from a volatile dragon, a monster? The elusivity of Cathoundral is profound and unquantifiable…ungraspable. It is never the same as fighting a Giant of Geri, a cyclops.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
'In Doughnut Dungeon, the Kingdom of Nerada series continues. We meet Seral-the-Wise, Chief Doughnut Maker of the Kingdom of Nerada. A sudden natural calamity strikes the kingdom. Princess Airyfairyabelous, Arnold Esiwell, Heinrich Merrimen and the local children shelter in the dungeon where they discover the wonders of doughnut making.
'Meanwhile, the Mermaid of Nerada weathers the storm and Cathoundral, the rainbow dragon acts heroically.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.