Lynette Chataway Lynette Chataway i(A84483 works by)
Gender: Female
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'Lynette Chataway grew up in Ipswich in the 1960s. She has been a secretary, a teacher, she spent a year at bible college, and she worked as volunteer in a Thai village for two years.A succession of office jobs, unemployment and travel followed Lynnette Chataway's early departure from school at the age of fifteen.' 'Her first book Noble Sindhu Horses works to understand the reverse culture shock felt when her family returned to Australia from working as volunteers in a Thailand village.' Source :

Most Referenced Works

Awards for Works

Milestones 2004 single work short story
— Appears in: The Courier-Mail , 25 September 2004; (p. 6)
2004 Highly commended WriteSmall Award
Last amended 1 Jul 2009 15:04:31
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