Sarah de Jong Sarah de Jong i(A77632 works by)
Gender: Female
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Composer. Sarah de Jong's numerous theatre collaborations include a number of productions with Louis Nowra - Inner Voices (1977) ; Visions (1978) ; The Precious Woman (1980) ; Inside the Island (1980) ; The Song Room (1980) ; Sunrise (1983) ; and The Golden Age (1985).

Most Referenced Works

Awards for Works

The Cockatoos 2010 single work musical theatre opera

'A 1970s suburban Australian street ...

In a house not so large as to impress thieves, but large enough to impress those who officially aren't, Olive and her husband Mick have not spoken for a decade. Olive went silent on him when he let her budgie die, and they are now locked in desperate communication through written notes. A stray cockatoo softens the decade long stand-off between husband and wife, but as more cockatoos descend, a peaceful world is tragically shattered.' (Victorian Opera website)

2011 nominated AWGIE Awards Music Theatre Sarah Carradine for the libretto.
Last amended 10 Aug 2006 12:12:13
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