Lynne Muir Lynne Muir i(A76963 works by) (a.k.a. Lynne Tracey)
Born: Established: 1955 ;
Gender: Female
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Melbourne-based freelance calligrapher and book illustrator Lynne Muir has been recognised for her 'ornate environment paintings' and intricate creations of illuminated calligraphy.

Collaborating with author Jill Morris (q.v.), Muir has contributed illustrations to a number of children's books published by Great Glider. In particular, she designed and illustrated Greater Glider's richly produced Environment Artbook Series; books in this series have been acknowledged with several awards.

Most Referenced Works

Awards for Works

y separately published work icon Nautilus : Pearl of the Deep Maleny : Greater Glider , 2007 Z1527931 2007 single work picture book children's
2008 shortlisted The Wilderness Society Environment Award for Children's Literature Picture Fiction
y separately published work icon Argonauta, Octopus Navigator Maleny : Greater Glider , 2006 Z1288429 2006 single work picture book children's

One of the most prized treasure collected by beachcombers around the world is the parchment-like egg case of an octopus called argonaut, popularly known as the Paper Nautilus. (Source: back cover)

This picture book follows the daily life of an argonaut, and also contains scientific information about the species.

2007 shortlisted The Wilderness Society Environment Award for Children's Literature Picture Fiction
y separately published work icon Australian Owls, Frogmouths and Nightjars Maleny : Greater Glider , 1993 Z838200 1993 single work non-fiction children's

Australia's night birds - owls, frogmouths and nightjars - are depicted in magnificent gouache painting, accompanied by whimsical verse and informative prose. Author Jill Morris and illustrator Lynne Tracey have produced an impressive sequel to their first Environment Artbook 'Australian Bats'. (Source: Back cover)

1994 commended Whitley Awards Best Illustrated Children's Book (Paintings)
1994 joint honour book CBCA Book of the Year Awards Eve Pownall Award for Information Books
Last amended 15 Mar 2006 11:24:59
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