Donna Maree Hanson Donna Maree Hanson i(A71192 works by) (a.k.a. Donna Hanson)
Also writes as: Dani Kristoff
Gender: Female
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1 Crash Baby Donna Maree Hanson , 2020 single work short story
— Appears in: Unnatural Order 2020;
1 y separately published work icon Vorn and the First Comers Donna Maree Hanson , Canberra : Aust Speculative Fiction , 2019 20273399 2019 single work novella fantasy

'A choice between life or death...

'Kushlan Silvertongue has been commissioned to write the Tales of the First Comers, Tales of Argenterra.

'This novella is the story of Vorn and the First Comers and their journey from violence and death to the beautiful magical land of Argenterra, the Silverland.

'Mighty warrior, Vorn, leads the survivors to a new land and sets in motion a civilisation that lasts for over one thousand years.

'Discover the origins of the given magic and how the first comers made the oaths that secured that magic forever.'

Source : publisher's blurb

1 y separately published work icon Emerald Fire Donna Maree Hanson , Conder : ASIF , 2019 19569051 2019 single work novel fantasy

'A book of manners, magic and mayhem

'After Edward and Jemima’s honeymoon is cut short by a severed head landing in their marriage bed, they must away to London to devise a way to defeat the ravenous beast, Geneck and Jemima must be the bait.

'Newspaper headlines reveal carnage in London streets and the police and the secret brotherhood of magicians are pounding at the door, demanding answers from Edward.

'Joined by Fulton, Edward and Jemima begin to scour the dark places of London: sewers and newly-constructed underground railway tunnels. Their only chance is to find Geneck’s lair and end him in daylight, when he is weak. But the monster’s minions protect him and the road to safety is not clear.

'When Jemima is taken, Edward is beside himself. Who has taken her and how is he going to get her back? Deeper into magic he must go, and Milly and Aunt Prudence join in the fight to rid the world of Geneck. But will that be enough?'

(Source: publisher's blurb)

1 y separately published work icon Moonfall Donna Maree Hanson , Conder : Donna Maree Hanson , 2018 18359349 2018 single work novel fantasy

'The quest to find the machine that can avert moonfall is underway. Skyfire, collapsing travel ways and daemons are the least of Salinda's concerns when it comes to saving the planet. A brutal and gripping conclusion to the dragon wine series.' (Publisher's blurb.)

1 y separately published work icon Skyfire Donna Maree Hanson , Conder : Donna Maree Hanson , 2018 18359209 2018 single work novel fantasy

'On the devastated world of Margra, where man-eating dragons are tamer than the humans, a small band of heroes fight for a brighter future. After a battle with the malevolent baron and the evil dragon creature, Gercomo, to prevent the life giving dragon wine being sequestered in the doomsday city, Eternity, for use by the rich elite, Salinda turns her attention to the looming disaster that threatens their very existence. With the aid of the powerful cadre, an ancient source of power and knowledge, Salinda fights to save her planet, Margra, from the final moonfall—an event that will destroy the already ravaged planet. Currently safe within the underground city of Barraheim, a heavily pregnant Salinda knows that the end is looming and that a solution must be found. Plagued with doubt, she ponders whether her child be born before moonfall or born at all. With Nils’s, her alien mate incapacitated and others in her band recovering from injuries, Salinda struggles to decipher an ancient text that speaks of a machine that might help them. And in the dark spaces beneath Barrahiem lurks something else, something mysterious and dangerous…

'Escaping from the battle of Gateshead, Salinda must wait for Nils to recover from his injuries so that he can find the clues his grandsire left in a book. Only then can Salinda and her friends try to fight moonfall. Meanwhile skyfire, the precursor to moonfall arrives, bringing with it destruction and opportunities to save lives...' (Publisher's blurb.)

1 y separately published work icon Ruby Heart Donna Maree Hanson , Conder : ASIF , 2018 16925897 2018 single work novel fantasy

'Paranormal Victorian steampunk fantasy, with Gothic horror and romance.

'A book of manners, magic and mayhem.

'After her father is murdered, budding scientist Jemima Hardcastle is packed off to boarding school by her guardian and heir to Willow Park, Edward Huntington. When they finally meet again at a house party, four years later, Edward doesn’t recognise his ward and the two share a flirtation that is broken when Jemima confesses her true identity. The murder of another party guest and the theft of a precious gem interrupt any chance they have to resolve their feelings. Edward coldly ships Jemima off once more – this time back to her old home.

'At Willow Park, under the chaperonage of the odious Aunt Prudence and meek cousin Milly, Jemima is expected to concentrate on her needlework. Instead, she finds a friend in Edward’s man, Fulton, who shows her the artificial leg his employer built for him. Impressed by this revelation of scientific genius and generosity, Jemima’s esteem for Edward rises and she longs to see him again — but he does not arrive home as planned. When she discovers he has been abducted, Jemima plans a rescue, but unbeknownst to her, Edward is a gentleman magician and his devices have more than science on their side.

'She and Fulton plunge into London’s hidden world of dark sorcery as they search everywhere for Edward — in the slums, manufactureys, and even a bawdy house. When they finally find him, Jemima’s life is already on the line.

'As Edward struggles with his feelings for his ward, Jemima’s only hope for survival is if he uses one of his devices to revive the vampiric beast, Geneck … but the ensuing havoc could destroy London itself.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Cry Havoc Donna Maree Hanson , 2018 Conder : ASIF , 2018 16925865 2018 series - author novel fantasy
1 y separately published work icon Beneath the Floating City and Other Science Fiction Stories Donna Maree Hanson , Canberra : Donna Maree Hanson , 2017 12047472 2017 selected work short story
1 y separately published work icon Bloodstorm Donna Maree Hanson , Conder : Donna Maree Hanson , 2017 12041721 2017 single work novel fantasy

'The planet of Margra is drawing closer to the brink as Shatterwing's debris field grows increasingly unstable. Salinda and Garan fight Gercomo in dragon form, with unexpected consequences and end up making matters worse. Laidan's life is saved but at great cost. Sartell has become dangerous with conspiracies and betrayal everywhere. Brill and Danton gamble with their lives to find the location of the stolen dragon wine while Mandin gambles with her life to save her daughter. Nils searches for the writings of his grandsire, Trell of Barr, which may contain the much needed information on how to avert moonfall. Gercomo's influence and power within the dragon herd peaks just as he is able to reach out to old human allies and the battle begins...'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Deathwings Donna Maree Hanson , Conder : Donna Maree Hanson , 2017 12041659 2017 single work novel fantasy

'Life on the ravaged world of Margra is more difficult than ever. Salinda and Garan blasted the evil Gercomo into the sky. Except he didn't die, he transformed into a dragon. Final moonfall looms ever closer and the world is on the brink of destruction. Gercomo's vile influence spreads among his dragon herd and he is reaching for power in both the human and dragon worlds. Salinda has the means to stop him and save the world. And Gercomo wants her dead.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Opi Battles the Space Pirates Donna Maree Hanson , Canberra : Aust Speculative Fiction , 2017 11250039 2017 single work novel fantasy romance

'Ms Opeia Gayens, head of AllEarth Corp, has a problem—her company is rotten with Space Pirates. She wants to get rid of them once and for all. An unexpected invitation to dinner challenges her plans to be the bait that will draw the nasty pirates out. It’s been forever since she’s been on a date—just been Opi. Somehow, Owain McDevitt, mild-mannered, potato farmer from the planet Islay 2 is drawn into the intrigue. Yet, no one is who they seem, least of all Owain McDevitt.

'Betrayal after betrayal threatens Opi’s existence and she must discover who the traitor really is before she can find her true path to happiness.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Ungiven Land Donna Maree Hanson , Canberra : Aust Speculative Fiction , 2017 11249953 2017 single work novel fantasy

'I do not know how we will live with a decrease in the given. The Puri may want what we have but the fact is what they want may no longer exist…

'Sophy is trapped in Yulandir at the mercy of Rufus and the Ancient Evil as they drain the land’s given from her. Sophy must fight to keep the power inside herself and find a way back to Argenterra. Oakheart’s loyalties are divided: he cannot go after Sophy to rescue her because no one knows how to operate The Crystal Gate and his father calls for aid as the Puri have invaded Silverdale and he must go to war.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Oathbound Donna Maree Hanson , Canberra : Aust Speculative Fiction , 2017 11249881 2017 single work novel fantasy

'We have some time before the Ancient Evil can reach into Argenterra. We are not the Ungiven Land yet…

'Sophy lies trapped within Rufus’s jewelled prison. Protected by her oathbond to Oakheart Rufus cannot touch her, but her crystal form is draining Argenterra of the given. Oakheart has to leave Sophy behind because he is bound by his promise to return Gillcress to Princess Aria at Valley Keep.

'The weakening of the given has repercussions: oaths are fading and darkness has festered in Prince Dellbright’s heart. Oakheart fears for Aria and Gillcress, but he must return to the Lower Warrens and free Sophy — and before the jewel she is trapped within drains the given completely from the land. Accompanied by an adept and the forest folk, he sets out to rescue her. The order from Crystal Mountain Retreat is, if Sophy cannot be freed, she must be destroyed…'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Argenterra Donna Maree Hanson , Conder : Aust Speculative Fiction , 2016 9593912 2016 single work novel fantasy

'Every one hundred years a woman comes to Argenterra through the Crystal Tree Woods. This time two women came…

'While on a ghost tour in Castle Crioch, Sophy and her best friend and foster sister, Aria, are sucked into the world of Argenterra, where they encounter a strange Crystal Tree. Two leaves fall from it, one of which Aria catches and the other mysteriously delves into Sophy’s chest.

'Met by Dellbright, the prince of Valley Keep, and Oakheart, the high king’s ambassador, the girls learn they are expected. Aria has beauty and talent with the given, the land’s native magic. She finds a home and a husband in Prince Dellbright and is revered as the legendary Gift of Crystal Tree Woods.

Sophy is out of place as anything made with the given makes her ill.

'Sophy accompanies Oakheart to the capital to find out why the crystal leaf is in her chest. A sinister force is tracking her—trying to snatch her away or kill her. Only Oakheart suspects her importance: she is the talisman that can cause great harm to the world of Argenterra if she falls into the wrong hands.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Silverlands Donna Maree Hanson , 2016 Conder : Aust Speculative Fiction , 2016 9593889 2016 series - author novel fantasy

'In a land where oaths can’t be broken be careful what promises you make.

'To break the binding oath is to risk the very magic of Argenterra.

'Vorn and the first comers fleeing death and destruction came to Argenterra through the Crystal Gate. On arrival, they made a binding oath to not kill — and in return the land gave them the given, a native magic. For over a thousand years they have prospered but now the ancient evil seeks Vorn’s descendants and reaches a hand into the land.

'Oaths are bound with the given and every promise must be kept or the land’s magic will compel completion of the oath or prevent its breaking. Only a murder can sunder the binding oath, which would make the given fade. In his later years, Vorn prophesied that a time would come when the land would be ungiven. That time is near.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Invoked Dani Kristoff , Sydney : Escape Publishing , 2016 10398124 2016 single work novel romance fantasy

'The final bewitching story in a trilogy about sexy witches and second chances...

'Earl Pressonville knows he made a mistake, but he never expected it to cost him his life. Well, most of his life. Some small part of him survives, but only as a shadow, a thought, a feeling...a purgatory of his own making.

'When a young witch, Nea Royston, comes near with her reader sense, something about her gentle touch draws him back to awareness.

'But there's a darkness that's also returned to Lake Maquarie, one that Earl has dealt with before. Having seen the light that Nea brings to the world, he knows that she will draw the darkness to her, and he vows to protect her at all costs. But Nea is looking for life, for love, for a future, and all Earl can ever offer is a dream.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Rae and Essa's Space Adventures Donna Maree Hanson , Chatswood : Escape Publishing , 2015 9703555 2015 single work novel science fiction young adult

'Essa Gayens is starting to accept her sister Rae into her life, sharing a dorm room in their swanky private school on Earth. Smarter, savvier and more in touch with the world than Rae, Essa’s feelings of superiority and advantage are shaken when their mother goes missing, along with Rae’s boyfriend, Alwin.

'When Rae takes off after them into outer space, Essa is spurred into action. Very soon, Essa is hot on her trail, sneaking out of school, bribing officials and begging Captain Thorn Hanover to take her on his ship.

'Thorn is a hunk, and Essa is thrilled with the prospect of an interesting trip, but Thorn has no interest in a spoiled rich girl. Not only does he reject her advances, he sets her up on the chore roster and expects her to work for her passage.

'Essa has never been anything but a pampered princess, but both Rae and Thorn are challenging her to dig deeper, to be more. But to aspire is to risk failure, and Essa has never really risked anything before. Can she start with her heart?'

Source: Publisher's blurb

1 She’ll Be Right Donna Maree Hanson , 2015 single work short story
— Appears in: The Never Never Land 2015; (p. 59-68)
1 y separately published work icon Spiritbound Dani Kristoff , Chatswood : Escape Publishing , 2015 8426125 2015 single work novel fantasy

'The Sydney coven is suffering from a man drought – some witches complain, and some witches just get creative.

'Grace lives with her cousin Elena and her mother Elvira, and life is pretty damn fine, barring the warlock drought that has the coven’s younger witches a bit itchy. Grace isn’t worried – even if a suitable warlock were available, he wouldn’t be interested in Grace. Ever since she raised her dead cat as a child, Grace’s necromancy skills have put everyone around her on edge.

'Then her childhood beau, Declan Mallory, returns from overseas. He’s a battlemage and hot property. To Grace’s dismay, she is but one face among many as the coven witches pull out all the stops to attract the tall, dark and handsome warlock’s attention. Fortunately their childhood friendship still holds some sway, and Grace and Declan soon find themselves reconnecting on all sorts of levels. But there are dark secrets in the coven, and Declan’s family is determined to shut their relationship down. But Grace has finally found her warlock, and she is not giving him up without a fight: not to the bitch-witches, not to his family, and certainly not to the past.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon The Sorcerer's Spell Dani Kristoff , Sydney : Impulse , 2014 9000630 2014 single work novel romance fantasy

'A sexy, body-switching urban fantasy.

'Annwyn goes to bed dreaming of making love with her dead husband and wakes up in the body of another woman, a woman who is having hot sex with Dane, a powerful sorcerer. Her body has been stolen by Nira, a sorceress, who feeds her magical power through sex - the kinkier the better.

'The curse she laid on Dane turns him into a werewolf every full moon and to complicate matters, Dane's werewolf friend Rolf, succumbs to Nira when she temporarily repossesses her body, causing jealously and confusion. But time is running out for Dane, as he will be a werewolf forever unless he can break the curse.

'Rafael from the Collegium of Sorcerers is the only one Dane trusts to help them, but when a wider conspiracy is revealed, it's up to Annwyn and her developing magical powers to save Dane before it's too late. But can she seduce an unwilling werewolf to lure the sorceress into a final confrontation?'

Source: Publisher's blurb.