C. Bourgois C. Bourgois i(A70450 works by) (Organisation) assertion (a.k.a. Christian Bourgois; Bourgois)
Born: Established: Paris,
Western Europe, Europe,
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9 65 y separately published work icon The Children's Bach Helen Garner , ( trans. Jacqueline Odin with title Accords suspendus ) Paris : C. Bourgois , 2025 Z371975 1984 single work novella (taught in 6 units)

Athena and Dexter lead an enclosed family life, innocent of fashion and bound towards a disturbed child. Their comfortable rut is disrupted by the arrival of Elizabeth, a tough nut from Dexter's past. With her three charming, chaotic hangers-on, she draws the couple out into a world whose casual egotism they had barely dreamed of. How can they get home again? (Source: publisher's website)

2 8 y separately published work icon The Arsonist The Arsonist : A Mind on Fire Chloe Hooper , ( trans. Florence Cabaret with title L'incendiaire : tempête sous un crâne ) Paris : C. Bourgois , 2020 14732249 2018 single work non-fiction crime

'The Arsonist takes readers inside the hunt for a fire-lighter. After Black Saturday, a February 2009 day marked by 47 degree heat and firestorms, arson squad detectives arrived at a plantation on the edge of a 26,000-hectare burn site. Eleven people had just been killed and hundreds made homeless. Here, in the Latrobe Valley, where Victoria’s electricity is generated, and the rates of unemployment, crime and domestic abuse are the highest in the state, more than thirty people were known to police as firebugs. But the detectives soon found themselves on the trail of a man they didn’t know.

'The Arsonist tells a remarkable detective story, as the police close in on someone they believe to be a cunning offender; and a puzzling psychological story, as defence lawyers seek to understand the motives of a man who, they claimed, was a naïf that had accidentally dropped a cigarette.

'It is the story not only of this fire - how it happened, the people who died, the aftermath for the community - but of fire in this country. What it has done, what it has meant, what it might yet do. Bushfire is one of Australia’s deepest anxieties, never more so than when deliberately lit. Arson, wrote Henry Lawson, expresses a malice ‘terrifying to those who have seen what it is capable of. You never know when you are safe.‘

'As she did in The Tall Man, Chloe Hooper takes us to a part of the country seldom explored, and reveals something buried but essential in our national psyche. The bush, summertime, a smouldering cigarette - none of these will feel the same again.'  (Publication summary)

2 7 y separately published work icon Avalanche : A Love Story Julia Leigh , ( trans. Laurence Kiéfé with title Avalanche : une histoire d'amour ) Paris : C. Bourgois , 2017 9187071 2016 single work autobiography

'In this brave and lucid account, Julia Leigh broaches a challenging life event often left undiscussed: how the struggle to have a child can take an agonizing toll. Leigh’s experience at the vanguard of medical science is acutely rendered, physically and emotionally, transmitting what it feels like to so desperately wish for a child while knowing that the odds are stacked against you. From the daily shots she puts herself through at home, to hopes raised and dashed, and finally to the decision to stop treatment, Avalanche bears witness to Leigh’s raw desire, suffering, strength, and, in the end, transformation―a shift to a different kind of love. The reader looks behind the scenes of a clinic and discovers how things really work: reality is a far cry from the slick marketing of the billion-dollar infertility industry. As for so many women, Leigh’s treatment failed, but her ghost child lingers in memory.' (Publication summary)

13 50 y separately published work icon Parrot and Olivier in America Peter Carey , ( trans. Élisabeth Peellaert with title Parrot et Olivier en Amérique ) Paris : C. Bourgois , 2011 Z1584172 2009 single work novel historical fiction

'Olivier is a young aristocrat, one of an endangered species born in France just after the Revolution. Parrot, the son of an itinerant English printer, wanted to be an artist but has ended up in middle age as a servant.

When Olivier sets sail for the New World - ostensibly to study its prisons, but in reality to avoid yet another revolution - Parrot is sent with him, as spy, protector, foe and foil. Through their adventures with women and money, incarceration and democracy, writing and painting, they make an unlikely pair. But where better for unlikely things to flourish than in the glorious, brand-new experiment, America?

A dazzlingly inventive reimagining of Alexis de Tocqueville's famous journey, Parrot and Olivier in America brilliantly evokes the Old World colliding with the New. Above all, it is a wildly funny, tender portrait of two men who come to form an almost impossible friendship, and a completely improbable work of art.' (From the publisher's website.)

17 47 y separately published work icon His Illegal Self Peter Carey , ( trans. Élisabeth Peellaert with title Un autre ) Paris : C. Bourgois , 2009 29289855 2007 single work novel

'When the boy was almost eight a woman stepped out of the elevator into the apartment on East 62nd Street and he recognized her straight away. It was the smell his heart knew - patchouli, jasmine, other stuff. .. That was pretty typical of growing up with Grandma Selkirk. No one would dream of saying, here is your mother returned to you. His Illegal Self is the story of Che. Raised in isolated privilege by his New York grandmother, he is the precocious son of radical student activists at Harvard in the late sixties. Yearning for his famous outlaw parents, denied all access to television and the news, he takes hope from his long haired teenage neighbour who predicts, They will come for you, man. They'll break you out of here.

'Soon Che too is an outlaw, fleeing down subways, abandoning seedy motels at night, he is pitched into a journey that leads him to a hippy commune in the jungle of tropical Queensland. Here he slowly, bravely, confronts his life, learning that nothing is what it seems. Who is his real mother? Was that his real father? If all he suspects is true, what should he do?' (Publisher's blurb)

8 22 y separately published work icon Disquiet Julia Leigh , ( trans. Jean Guiloineau with title Ailleurs ) Paris : C. Bourgois , 2008 Z1457081 2008 single work novella (taught in 3 units) An elegant young woman stands with her two children at the gate of an austere chateau, locked out. The three have come from Australia, escaping violence, and their arrival is unexpected. The two children have never been here before. The woman, Olivia, has come home. But home is not what it was. Even when Olivia gains entry, what she finds is not what she left. While the children are entranced by the house, the formal gardens and the inviting lake, Olivia learns that members of her estranged family have experienced tragedies they cannot openly discuss - just as she has, herself - leading them to behave in ways that destabilise a world of exquisite artifice and control. - from dust jacket flap
24 56 y separately published work icon Theft : A Love Story Peter Carey , ( trans. Élisabeth Peellaert with title Haut vol: histoire d'amour ) Paris : C. Bourgois , 2007 Z1244799 2006 single work novel humour (taught in 5 units)

From the two-time Booker Prize–winning author and recipient of the Commonwealth Prize comes this new novel about obsession, deception, and redemption, at once an engrossing psychological suspense story and a work of highly charged, fiendishly funny literary fiction.

Michael 'Butcher' Boone is an ex-'really famous' painter now reduced to living in the remote country house of his biggest collector and acting as caretaker for his younger brother, Hugh, a damaged man of imposing physicality and childlike emotions. Together they've forged a delicate equilibrium, a balance instantly disarrayed when a mysterious young woman named Marlene walks out of a rainstorm and into their lives. Beautiful, smart, and ambitious, she's also the daughter-in-law of the late great painter Jacques Liebowitz, one of Butcher's earliest influences. She's sweet to Hugh and falls in love with Butcher, and they reciprocate in kind. And she sets in motion a chain of events that could be the making--or the ruin--of them all. (Source: Trove)

3 5 y separately published work icon If God Sleeps J. M. Calder , Paris : C. Bourgois , 2004 Z561083 1997 single work single work novel crime
4 7 y separately published work icon Man of Two Tribes Arthur W. Upfield , ( trans. Michele Valencia with title L'homme des tribus ) Paris : C. Bourgois , 1991 Z152501 1956 single work novel crime detective Bony discovers a group of people imprisoned in limestone underground caves and must free them and lead them to safety.
5 52 y separately published work icon Out of the Line of Fire Mark Henshaw , ( trans. Pierre Alien with title Hors de la Ligne de Feu ) Paris : C. Bourgois , 1990 Z370746 1988 single work novel

"Is she your girlfriend?" Wolfi asked.

"I'm not sure," I say.

"But you sleep with her?"

"No. Yes, once."

"How many women have you slept with?"

"God, Wolfi, what sort of question is that?"

To an Australian writer visiting Heidelberg, the brilliant young philosophy student Wolfi is a compelling character. From the start, the details of Wolfi's life are curious - from his inquisitorial father and passionate mother to the grandmother who pays for his sexual initiation with a prostitute and to his connections with the outlandish rogue Karl.

As we are lured by Wolfi's obsession into the mysterious and erotic maze of this novel, we find nothing is as it appears.

What in fact is fact and what in fiction is fiction?

29 11 y separately published work icon In the Heart of the Country J. M. Coetzee , ( trans. Sophie Mayoux with title Au coeur de ce pays ) Paris : C. Bourgois , 1989 6204795 1977 single work novel