Fandango Libri Fandango Libri i(A70278 works by) (Organisation) assertion
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3 20 y separately published work icon What a Piece of Work Dorothy Porter , ( trans. Sergio Claudio Perroni with title Che Gran Capolavoro ) Rome : Fandango Libri , 2001 Z574696 1999 single work novel

'As the new Superintendent at Callan Park Psychiatric Hospital, Dr Peter Cyren must perform medical alchemy - turn diseased minds into healthy ones. But in the case of his own soul, this sacred process works irrevocably in reverse.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

2 13 y separately published work icon He Died with a Felafel in His Hand : Hilarious True Stories of Share House Accommodation in Australia in the 1990's John Birmingham , ( trans. Sandra Bordigoni with title E Mori con un Felafel in Mano ) Rome : Fandango Libri , 2001 Z43582 1994 single work novel humour

'John Birmingham has lived with eighty-nine people and kept notes on all of them. This is their story.

''A rat died in the living room at King Street and we didn't know. There was at least six inches of compacted rubbish between our feet and the floor. Old Ratty must have crawled in there and died of pleasure. A visitor uncovered him while groping about for a beer!'

'This best-seller led to a successful stage play and major motion picture, starring Noah Taylor and Sophie Lee. It has been published in Britain and Italy.' (Publication summary)

2 27 y separately published work icon Akhenaten Dorothy Porter , Rome : Fandango Libri , 2000 Z248289 1992 single work novel (taught in 6 units)

'Akhenaten was a fascinating, shadowy figure in Egyptian history – archaeologists have discovered attempts to eradicate all traces of his brief reign, but enough remains to tell a remarkable story of incest, heresy, androgyny and a massive cult of personality.

'Like Albert Camus celebrated Caligula, Dorothy Porter's Akhenaten is an attractive warped megalomaniac who attempted to construct an heretical religion around one Sun God, with himself at the centre.

'Akhenaten is a novel in verse that captures the obsessive, erotic nature of its central figure. It is a towering achievement.'

Source: Publisher's blurb (Picador ed.)

4 61 y separately published work icon The Monkey's Mask Dorothy Porter , ( trans. Sergio Claudio Perroni with title La maschera di scimmia ) Rome : Fandango Libri , 1999 Z528794 1994 single work novel crime (taught in 31 units)