Editions Milan Editions Milan i(A69601 works by) (Organisation) assertion (a.k.a. Milan)
Born: Established: Toulouse,
Western Europe, Europe,
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4 y separately published work icon The World's Most Pointless Animals Philip Bunting , Philip Bunting (illustrator), ( trans. Sylvie Lucas with title Les animaux les plus bizarres du monde ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 2022 21063096 2021 single work picture book information book children's

'We share our planet with some truly weird and wonderful creatures, from blobfish to pink fairy armadillos, who all (let’s be honest) seem pretty pointless. But what do these creatures actually do?! 

'A witty, quirky, colourfully-illustrated book featuring some very silly animals. With a humorous, sardonic tone throughout, it contains funny labelled diagrams and some excellent made-up Latin names (n.b. the jellyfish’s scientific name is not actually wibblious wobblious ouchii…) but, importantly, it conveys genuinely fascinating facts about these animals, who are perhaps not so pointless after all. ' (Publication summary)

18 y separately published work icon Do Not Lick This Book Idan Ben-Barak , Julian Frost (illustrator), ( trans. Sylvie Lucas with title Ne lèche surtout pas ce livre! : il est rempli de microbes ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 2018 10954082 2017 single work picture book children's

'Min is a microbe. She is small. Very small. In fact so small that you'd need to look through a microscope to see her. Or you can simply open this book and take Min on an adventure to amazing places she's never seen before - like the icy glaciers of your tooth or the twisted, tangled jungle that is your shirt.

'The perfect book for anyone who wants to take a closer look at the world.' (Publication summary)

3 2 y separately published work icon Ramose and the Tomb Robbers Carole Wilkinson , ( trans. Natalie Zimmermann with title Les pilleurs de pyramides ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 2004 Z947318 2001 single work children's fiction children's historical fiction adventure
— Appears in: ラモーゼ : プリンス・イン・エグザイル上 2014;
Tomb robbers, who think Prince Ramose is a lowly apprentice scribe, kidnap him so he can read the ancient maps of royal tombs for them. The minute he is no use he will be killed. Ramose will need more than the luck of the gods to escape. Will he ever be Prince of Egypt again? (back cover)
3 4 y separately published work icon Ramose : Prince in Exile Carole Wilkinson , ( trans. Natalie Zimmermann with title Le fils du pharaon ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 2004 Z893586 2001 single work children's fiction children's historical fiction
— Appears in: ラモーゼ : プリンス・イン・エグザイル上 2014;
Someone is trying to kill Prince Ramose. Only if the murderers think he is dead will he be safe. Spoilt, selfish and very much alive, Prince Ramose lives in secret in the Valley of the Tombs. How will this pampered prince survive such a brutal place? (publisher's blurb)
6 y separately published work icon Winnie Flies Again Valerie Thomas , Korky Paul (illustrator), ( trans. Helene Montardre with title Pelagie n'a peur de rien ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 2000 Z1493225 1999 single work picture book children's
9 y separately published work icon Winnie the Witch Valerie Thomas , Korky Paul (illustrator), ( trans. Colette Barbe with title Pelagie la Sorciere ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 1989 Z1493094 1987 single work single work picture book children's children's Winnie the witch lives with her cat Wilbur in an all-black house. But Wilbur is an all-black cat. In order to be able to see Wilbur, and not trip over him, Winnie uses her magic powers to turn Wilbur green. But will that be the best solution?
11 y separately published work icon Beginnings and Endings With Lifetimes in Between Bryan Mellonie , Robert Ingpen (illustrator), ( trans. Unknown with title Le temps de la vie : la naissance, la vie, la mort ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 1989 Z993649 1983 single work picture book children's A book designed to illustrate to children that dying is a natural part of the cycle of life, whether death be through illness, accident or old age. It explains how all living things - plants, animals, insects, people - have different lifespans, and that all lives have endings.
3 7 y separately published work icon The Wild Bob Graham , Bob Graham (illustrator), ( trans. Marie-Ange Metge with title Tom sauvage ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 1989 Z831169 1986 single work picture book children's Russell's pet rabbit and pet frog escape back to the wild, so he and his family decide to return their duck to the wild via the lake in the park, leaving Russell with only a pet tortoise ...
3 2 y separately published work icon Conservation Conservation : A Thoughtful Way of Explaining Conservation to Children Margaret Dunkle , Robert Ingpen (illustrator), Toulouse : Editions Milan , 1989 Z829693 1987 single work picture book children's

Conservation is our way of looking after our world. We can learn about conservation by looking back into the past, by looking around us at our world of today, and by thinking about the future. Conservation helps us find a path through life's complicated choices, to lead us to see what is really important and worth preserving and best for our world. 'Conservation' is a thoughtful way of explaining to children how to make our world sound, safe and sensible. (Source: back cover)

2 y separately published work icon Just Like Me Jan Ormerod , Jan Ormerod (illustrator), ( trans. Unknown with title Comme moi! ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 1988 Z961670 1986 single work picture book children's
2 y separately published work icon Our Ollie Jan Ormerod , Jan Ormerod (illustrator), ( trans. Unknown with title Petit Pierre ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 1988 Z961667 1986 single work picture book children's
2 y separately published work icon Silly Goose Jan Ormerod , Jan Ormerod (illustrator), ( trans. Unknown with title Bete comme une oie! ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 1988 Z961663 1986 single work picture book children's
2 y separately published work icon Young Joe Jan Ormerod , Jan Ormerod (illustrator), ( trans. Unknown with title Petit Joe ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 1988 Z961660 1986 single work picture book children's
6 11 y separately published work icon Pigs Might Fly Emily Rodda , ( trans. Michele Poslaniec with title Cochon vole! ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 1988 Z831592 1986 single work children's fiction children's fantasy Rachel was bored with having a cold and having to stay in bed so she wished very hard for something exciting to happen - and it did! She finds herself transported to a place where periodic storms occur which affect the inhabitants in strange ways and cause pigs to float in the air.
2 y separately published work icon Making Friends Jan Ormerod , Jan Ormerod (illustrator), ( trans. Unknown with title Un ami pour bebe ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 1987 Z961679 1987 single work picture book children's
2 1 y separately published work icon Mum's Home Jan Ormerod , Jan Ormerod (illustrator), ( trans. Unknown with title Un bebe curieux ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 1987 Z961676 1987 single work picture book children's
4 y separately published work icon Messy Baby Jan Ormerod , Jan Ormerod (illustrator), ( trans. Unknown with title Quand papa range ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 1987 Z830711 1985 single work picture book children's
5 y separately published work icon Dad's Back Jan Ormerod , Jan Ormerod (illustrator), ( trans. Unknown with title Quand papa arrive ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 1987 Z830708 1985 single work picture book children's
3 y separately published work icon Sleeping Jan Ormerod , Jan Ormerod (illustrator), ( trans. Unknown with title Quand Papa Dort ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 1987 Z830705 1985 single work picture book children's
2 y separately published work icon Reading Jan Ormerod , Jan Ormerod (illustrator), ( trans. Unknown with title Quand papa lit ) Toulouse : Editions Milan , 1987 Z830666 1985 single work picture book children's