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10 5 y separately published work icon A Guide to the Birds of East Africa : A Novel Nicholas Drayson , ( trans. Sabine Maier-Langsfeld with title Kleine Vogelkunde Ostafrikas : roman ) Berlin : Kindler , 2008 Z1519696 2008 single work novel 'For the past three years, Mr. Malik has been secretly in love with Rose Mbikwa, a woman who leads the weekly bird walks sponsored by the East African Ornithological Society. Just as Malik is getting up the nerve to invite Rose to the Nairobi Hunt Club Ball (the premier social occasion of the Kenyan calendar), Harry Khan, a nemesis from his school days, arrives in town.
Khan has also become enraptured with Rose and announces his intent to invite her to the Ball. Rather than force Rose to choose between the two men, a clever solution is proposed. Whoever can identify the most species of birds in one week’s time gets the privilege of asking Ms. Mbikwa to the ball.' (Publication summary)
3 11 y separately published work icon The House of Balthus David Brooks , ( trans. Melanie Walz with title Das Haus von Balthus ) Munich : Kindler , 1999 Z85032 1995 single work novel

' Shortlisted, National Book Council 'Banjo' Award 1996 Shortlisted, Fantasy Division and Horror Division, Aurealis Awards for Excellence in Australian Speculative Fiction 1995 a vivid and engrossing novel. Patricia Rolfe, Bulletin Brooks's first novel is haunting, a work of precision and delicacy, enigma and exactness. Philippa Hawker, Marie Claire brings to mind the house in Tim Winton's Cloudstreet...Resonating with lost emotional energy, sighing and sobbing to itself in the echoing silences of the night. Ian McFarlane, Canberra Times The House Of Balthus is a magical novel which has the intensity of a dream. Characters from the artist Balthus' paintings walk out of the canvas and take on a life of their own, sharing the spaces of an ancient chateau now turned apartment block in a large French provincial town. The concierge Mme Lecault watches closely her tenants, among them the Countess, the Professor, the Painter, Therese and her young lover Michael - but knows only the surface of their lives. She spends her sleepless nights talking to Mme Berry, who lives, it would appear, in another century. There is a sound of sobbing, which echoes between rooms and across.' (Publication summary)

9 53 y separately published work icon The Sound of One Hand Clapping Richard Flanagan , ( trans. Ulrike Strerath-Bolz with title Am Anfang der Erinnerung : Roman ) Munich : Kindler , 1998 Z366585 1997 single work novel (taught in 4 units)

A sweeping novel of world war, migration, and the search for new beginnings in a new land, The Sound of One Hand Clapping was both critically acclaimed and a best-seller in Australia. It is a virtuoso performance from an Australian who is emerging as one of our most talented new storytellers. It was 1954, in a construction camp for a hydroelectric dam in the remote Tasmanian highlands, where Bojan Buloh had brought his family to start a new life away from Slovenia, the privations of war, and refugee settlements. One night, Bojan's wife walked off into a blizzard, never to return -- leaving Bojan to drink too much to quiet his ghosts, and to care for his three-year-old daughter Sonja alone. Thirty-five years later, Sonja returns to Tasmania and a father haunted by memories of the European war and other, more recent horrors. As the shadows of the past begin to intrude ever more forcefully into the present, Sonja's empty life and her father's living death are to change forever. The Sound of One Hand Clapping is about the barbarism of an old world left behind, about the harshness of a new country, and the destiny of those in a land beyond hope who seek to redeem themselves through love.

(Vintage, 2016)