Darren Goossens Darren Goossens i(A6855 works by)
Gender: Male
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After completing a Bachelor of Applied Science (Ballarat) and a Bachelor of Science (Hons) and Ph D (Monash University) Darren Goossens worked at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO). He was later the recipient of an Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering Research Fellowship with the Research School of Chemistry (Australian National University). He has since lectured with the Research School of Physics and Engineering and worked as a scientist in the field of materials science, with an emphasis on using diffraction techniques (X-ray, neutron, electron) to study structural properties of materials. His research has been published in science journals as diverse as Acta Crystallographica, The Journal of Applied Crystallography, and Zeitschrift für Kristallographie.

In addition to his career in science Goossens is a speculative fiction author and illustrator/cartoonist. His short fiction has been published in magazines and anthologies such as Aurealis, Andromeda Spaceways, Orb and All Hallows, while his illustrations have appeared in various magazines (including NFG) and in a physics textbook.

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Last amended 22 Jul 2013 10:31:57
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