Taylor and Francis Taylor and Francis i(A66959 works by) (Organisation) assertion (a.k.a. Taylor & Francis; Taylor and Francis Group; Taylor & Francis Group)
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2 5 y separately published work icon Continuum : Journal of Media and Cultural Studies Continuum : The Australian Journal of Media & Culture Tom O'Regan (editor), Brian Shoesmith (editor), Alec McHoul (editor), Toby Miller (editor), Robyn Quin (editor), David McKie (editor), Alan McKee (editor), Ian Hutchinson (editor), Michael O'Shaughnessy (editor), Hilaire Natt (editor), Greg Noble (editor), Panizza Allmark (editor), Mark Gibson (editor), Z1778186 1987 periodical (73 issues) (taught in 3 units)

Continuum began as a joint initiative between Tom O'Regan at Murdoch University and Brian Shoesmith at Edith Cowan University, Perth. From 1991-5 it was wholly located in the Centre for Research in Culture and Communication at Murdoch University. From mid-1995 it was located in the Department of Media Studies at Edith Cowan University.

Continuum is a thematically based cultural studies journal. The primary focus of the journal is upon screen media, but it also includes publishing, broadcasting and public exhibitionary media such as museums and sites. Journal editors are particularly interested in (1) the history and practice of screen media in Australasia and Asia ; (2) the connections between such media (particularly between film, TV, publishing, visual arts and exhibitionary sites). Each issue is devoted to the exploration of a particular cultural site. Sites have included Indigenous media, television, Asian cinema, media discourse, film style, publishing, photography, radio, 'Screening Cultural Studies', electronic arts in Australia and 'Critical Multiculturalism'. The journal is committed to articulating the energies, fragmentations, and loose coalitions that attend such cultural sites.

(Source : Continuum)

1 y separately published work icon Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes London : Taylor and Francis , Z948263 periodical (1 issues)
1 y separately published work icon Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association JALIA Gaby Haddow (editor), Mary Anne Kennan (editor), 2017 Abingdon : Taylor and Francis , 2017- 10978739 2017 periodical (12 issues)

'The Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association is the flagship journal of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). It is a quarterly publication for information science researchers, information professionals, related disciplines and industries. The Journal aims to stimulate discussion and inform practice by showcasing original peer reviewed research articles and other scholarly papers about, or relevant to, the Australian and Southern Asia Pacific regions. Authors from the full range of information professions and areas of scholarship are invited to contribute their work to the Journal.'

1 1 y separately published work icon National Identity in Contemporary Australian Opera : Myths Reconsidered Michael Halliwell , London : Taylor and Francis , 2017 15326837 2017 multi chapter work criticism

'Opera has been performed in Australia for more than two hundred years, yet none of the operas written before the Second World War have become part of the repertoire. It is only in the late 1970s and early 1980s that there is evidence of the successful systematic production of indigenous opera. The premiere of Voss by Richard Meale and David Malouf in 1986 was a watershed in the staging and reception of new opera, and there has been a diverse series of new works staged in the last thirty years, not only by the national company, but also by thriving regional institutions. The emergence of a thriving operatic tradition in contemporary Australia is inextricably enmeshed in Australian cultural consciousness and issues of national identity. In this study of eighteen representative contemporary operas, Michael Halliwell elucidates the ways in which the operas reflect and engage with the issues facing contemporary Australians. Stylistically these eighteen operas vary greatly. The musical idiom is diverse, ranging from works in a modernist idiom such as The Ghost Wife, Whitsunday, Fly Away Peter, Black River and Bride of Fortune, to Voss, Batavia, Bliss, Lindy, Midnight Son, The Riders, The Summer of the Seventeenth Doll and The Children's Bach being works which straddle several musical styles. A number of operas draw strongly on musical theatre including The Eighth Wonder, Pecan Summer, The Rabbits and Cloudstreet, and Love in the Age of Therapy is couched in a predominantly jazz idiom. While some of them are overtly political, all, at least tangentially, deal with recent cultural politics in Australia and offer sharply differing perspectives.'   (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Contemporary Issues in Australian Literature David Callahan (editor), Portland London : Frank Cass Publishers , 2002 6987733 2002 anthology criticism

'The contemporary study of Australian literature, as befitting that of a country that has been at the forefront of postcolonial studies, is a highly self-conscious and theoreticised enterprise, carried on now by academics across the globe and not just by Australians concerned to privilege a discourse of national assertion and specificity, as used to be the case. This volume accordingly deals with issues such as the tensions between literary and cultural studies, indigenous autobiography, postcolonial nostalgia, masculinity, the placing of Australia in the Pacific and in Asia, the uses of Australian literature in the United States, and includes the considerations of such widely-studied authors as Mudrooroo, Peter Carey and Patrick White.'

Source: Book jacket.

1 y separately published work icon Studies in Travel Writing Nottingham : Nottingham Trent University , 1997-2002 Z1473469 1997-2002 periodical (18 issues) Studies in Travel Writing is an international, refereed journal that encourages multi- and cross-disciplinary scholarship on travel texts. It welcomes essays on travel writing in its broadest as well as its conventional sense and aims to serve as a forum for discussion and debate about primary materials and methodologies. It promotes both recovery research and theoretical approaches. Without restriction on period or region of study, the journal allows for specific contexts of travel writing to be established and for common features to be identified.
1 y separately published work icon Social and Cultural Geography Mary Gilmartin (editor), 2001 Basingstoke : Taylor and Francis , 2001- 11516668 2001 periodical (1 issues)

'Social & Cultural Geography offers a specialized outlet for the publication of research concerned with the spatialities of society and culture, particularly the role of space, place and culture in relation to social issues, cultural politics, aspects of daily life, cultural commodities, consumption, identity and community, and historical legacies. Social & Cultural Geography publishes original, theoretically-informed empirical research, book reviews and analysis which is international in scope as well as in authorship. The journal also seeks to address topical issues relating to social and cultural geography and foster scholarly debate.'

1 y separately published work icon Green Letters : Studies in Ecocriticism 2000 London : Taylor and Francis , 2000- 10471527 2000 periodical (2 issues)

'Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism explores the relationship between literary, artistic and popular culture and the various conceptions of the environment articulated by scientific ecology, philosophy, sociology and literary and cultural theory. We publish academic articles that seek to illuminate divergences and convergences among representations and rhetorics of nature – understood as potentially including wild, rural, urban and virtual spaces – within the context of global environmental crisis.' (Source : http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=rgrl20 )

1 y separately published work icon Performance Research : A Journal of the Performing Arts Richard Gough (editor), Abingdon : Taylor and Francis , 1996- 23162959 1996 periodical (1 issues)
1 y separately published work icon Literature Interpretation Theory LIT New York (City) : Taylor and Francis , 1989- Z1808531 1989- periodical (4 issues) 'LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory provides a lively forum for fresh and forceful interpretations of a wide range of literary texts. LIT puts literary theory into action, publishing theoretical analyses that are both rigorous and illuminating. By transcending the boundaries of conventional categories of period, region, and genre, LIT aims to forge a conversation among divergent and often competing critical perspectives as well as literature from different periods and nations. Animated by diversity, LIT embraces the assumption that important insights may be generated within a multitude of theoretical frameworks. Essays informed by structuralism, post-structuralism, gender theory, new or old historicism, psychoanalytic theory, postcolonial theory, semiotics, Marxism, or any other coherent, well-defined theoretical approach might be found in the pages of LIT.
While LIT's emphasis is on traditional literary texts, the journal also considers analyses of other kinds of cultural texts, including popular media such as film. The journal insists upon a clarity of language that makes it accessible to a more general reader as well as important reading for literary scholars. General issues are designed to offer a spectrum of essays on a variety of subjects, while special issues bring a range of critical perspectives to a more clearly defined topic. LIT aims to create a dynamic space for energetic, original, and compelling theoretical interpretations of texts representing the rich and multifaceted literary traditions and innovations that have emerged in the course of human history.' (Publisher's website).
1 y separately published work icon The International Journal of the History of Sport Abingdon : Taylor and Francis , 1987- 6707235 1987 periodical (1 issues)
1 y separately published work icon Australian Journal of Linguistics Australian Journal of Linguistics : Journal of the Australian Linguistic Society 1981 Australia : Taylor and Francis , 1981- 12247958 1981 periodical (2 issues)

'The Australian Journal of Linguistics , the official journal of the Australian Linguistic Society, is concerned with all branches of linguistics, with preference given to articles of theoretical interest. The journal maintains an international focus, while at the same time encouraging articles on Australian languages, Australian English, and language in Australian society.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television United Kingdom (UK) : Taylor and Francis International Association for Media and History , 1981- 11373903 1981 periodical (3 issues)
1 y separately published work icon Reading Psychology London Texas : Taylor and Francis , 1979- 12239544 1979 periodical (1 issues)
1 y separately published work icon Journal of Popular Film and Television Michael T. Marsden (editor), Gary R. Edgerton (editor), United Kingdom (UK) : Taylor and Francis , 1978- 11374434 1978 periodical (3 issues)
1 y separately published work icon Women's Studies : An Interdisciplinary Journal 1972 California : Taylor and Francis , 1972- 23788059 1972 periodical (1 issues)

'Women’s Studies provides a forum for the presentation of scholarship and criticism about women in the fields of literature, history, art, sociology, law, political science, economics, anthropology and the sciences. It also publishes poetry, film and book reviews.' (https://www-tandfonline-com.ezproxy.library.uq.edu.au/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=gwst20)