Ena Noel Ena Noel i(A66579 works by) (a.k.a. Phillipena Noel)
Born: Established: 30 Jul 1910 Sydney, New South Wales, ; Died: Ceased: 7 Dec 2003
Gender: Female
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Ena Noel had a long career as a school librarian and was prominent in her involvement with the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY). In 1966 Noel became the president of the Australian section of IBBY and from 1982-1986 she served on the international committee of the organisation. Noel was instrumental in arranging for Australian children's book illustrations to be amongst those exhibited at the Biennale d'Illustrations de Bratislava (BIB) beginning with Annette Macarthur-Onslow in 1971 and followed by Desmond Digby in 1973. She was partly responsible for the publication of The New Classics: A Selection of Award-Winning Children's Books and in 1984 the General Council of the Library Association of Australia created a special tribute to her, the Ellinor Archer Award for her services to Children's Literature. In 1994 Noel founded her own biennial prize - the Ena Noel Award - to encourage young emerging writers and illustrators. She was also active in other international organisations and conferences and contributed reviews and articles to overseas journals.

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Last amended 25 Aug 2008 10:13:43
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