Lilla Watson Lilla Watson i(A66263 works by)
Born: Established: 1940 Queensland, ;
Gender: Female
Heritage: Aboriginal ; Aboriginal Gungalu ; Aboriginal Birri Gubba ; Aboriginal Dawson River Murri
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1 form y separately published work icon Two Women Mary Graham , Lilla Watson , 2015 8593193 2015 single work film/TV life story

"We are two women, who have each grown in our own Grandmother's country. We have some knowledge and insights to share with you, if you wish to listen. Our knowledge comes from Aboriginal terms of reference, and our insights from an Aboriginal Perspective, and of course we acknowledge that there are many Aboriginal Perspectives: this is ours." Aunty Mary Graham is a Kombu-Merri woman from the Gold Coast and is affiliated with the Wakka Wakka language group through her mother. Aunty Lilla Watson was raised on the banks of the Dawson River; the Brigalow country of her mother's people. In this documentary, these two knowledgeable women share, through Aboriginal terms of reference, the tenets of human conditioning. .They both discuss the privilege of human relationships, and the symbiotic connection that humans occupy with country. - Written by Samuel Wagan Watson (Source: IMDb website)

1 y separately published work icon Let's Talk Tiga Bayles (presenter), Lilla Watson (presenter), Mary Graham (presenter), Chelsea Watego (presenter), Angelina Hurley (presenter), Amy McQuire (presenter), Karen Dorante (presenter), Bogaine Spearim (presenter), Karina Hogan (presenter), Brisbane : 989fm , 1999 18319959 1999 series - publisher podcast

Let's Talk is a one hour radio talk back show that has been running for well over 20 years and podcasts are available online from 1999. One of the most relevant radio shows, now also podcast for Aboriginal perspectives on politics, current affairs and events, ‘Let’s Talk’ is made in Brisbane at ‘98FM’ (Formerly known as 4AAA Murri Radio) and is played on other First Nations radio stations around the country via the National Indigenous Radio Service. Hosted by Tiga Bayles until his passing in 2016, the show continued with a range of different hosts including, Amy McQuire, Wild Black WomenBogain Spearim, 'The Aunties' (Dr Lilla Watson and Dr Mary Graham) and Kaava Watson. As one of 989FM’s most popular and longest running programs, it is expected to remain as a key feature of the stations presence in the social, political and cultural discussions in Aboriginal Media.

1 [Untitled] (from Sister, Black is the Colour of my Soul) Lilla Watson , 1994 extract autobiography
— Appears in: Images and Reflections : Exploring Australian Non-Fiction 1994; (p. 180-184)
1 The Commonwealth Games in Brisbane 1982 Lilla Watson , 1988 single work essay
— Appears in: Social Alternatives , March vol. 7 no. 1 1988; (p. 37-43)
1 y separately published work icon The Meeting of Two Traditions: Aboriginal Studies in the University - A Murri Perspective Lilla Watson , Armidale : University of New England , 1988 18144513 1988 single work essay

'Aboriginal Studies in white academic circles is in its infancy. Given its history, and the restraints arising from the colonial context, it would be surprising if the quality were much better.

The indigenous people of this country are still waiting for colonial scholars to explore and appreciate the significance of the following facts:

  • the borders of more than 300 autonomous areas remained unchanged for thousands of years;
  • there were no prisons or armies maintained in our society;
  • the natural environment was not destroyed or polluted;
  • our ancestors did not have any need to colonize neighbouring lands and people.'

(Source : University of New England)

1 Sister, Black is the Colour of my Soul Lilla Watson , 1987 single work autobiography
— Appears in: Different Lives : Reflections on the Women's Movement and Visions of its Future 1987;
1 'Movin' Up and Out' i "you", Lilla Watson , 1983 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Border Issue : John Blight 70th Birthday Edition , October 1983; (p. 52 - 53)