Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag i(A59632 works by) (Organisation) assertion (a.k.a. Bonnier Carlsen Forlag)
Born: Established: 1993
Scandinavia, Western Europe, Europe,
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26 1 y separately published work icon Our Chemical Hearts Krystal Sutherland , ( trans. Jessica Schiefauer with title Våra kemiska hjärtan ) Norway : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2017 9481130 2016 single work novel young adult romance

'John Hughes meets John Green in this irresistible story of first love, broken hearts and the golden seams that put them back together again.

'Henry Page has never been in love. He fancies himself a hopeless romantic, but the slo-mo, heart palpitating, can't-eat-can't-sleep kind of love that he's been hoping for just hasn't been in the cards for him – at least not yet. Instead, he's been happy to focus on his grades, on getting into an Ivy League college and finally becoming editor of his school newspaper. Then Grace Town walks into his first period class on the third Tuesday of senior year and he knows everything's about to change.

'Grace isn't who Henry pictured as his dream girl – she walks with a cane, wears oversized boys' clothes and rarely seems to shower. But when Grace and Henry are both chosen to edit the school paper, he quickly finds himself falling for her. It's obvious there's something broken about Grace, but it seems to make her even more beautiful to Henry and he wants nothing more than to help her put the pieces back together again. And yet, this isn't your average story of boy meets girl. Krystal Sutherland's brilliant debut is equal parts wit and heartbreak, a potent reminder of the bittersweet bliss that is first love.' (Publication summary)

6 1 y separately published work icon The Considine Curse Gareth P. Jones , ( trans. Carla Wiberg with title Familjen Considines förbannelse ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2012 Z1833208 2011 single work children's fiction children's 'Fourteen-year-old Mariel returns to England for her grandmother's funeral. It is the first time she has been back since she emigrated with her mother as a baby, and it is the beginning of the uncovering of some really extraordinary truths about the Considine family. Why did Mariel's mum argue with Grandma all those years ago? Why does Amelia wear so much perfume? Why is there a very large cat flap in Louvre House? Why does Gerald seem scared of his brother's appetite? Did Grandma Considine really break her neck falling down the stairs? And most importantly, what is the dark secret that lies at the heart of the family?' (Trove record)
5 5 y separately published work icon Dragon Dawn Carole Wilkinson , ( trans. Ylva Spångberg with title Drakmåne ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2008 22607972 2007 single work novel young adult fantasy

'Danzi is not yet 1,000 years old - a youngster in dragon terms. There is much unrest in the provinces. Soldiers are everywhere and the people are uneasy. It is a dangerous time for a dragon to be without a keeper.' (Publisher's blurb)

8 13 y separately published work icon Dragon Moon Carole Wilkinson , ( trans. Ylva Spångberg with title Drakmåne ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2008 Z1365380 2007 single work children's fiction children's fantasy (taught in 1 units)

'Ancient China. Han Dynasty. Ping and Kai have travelled far, but their journey is not yet over. Danger stalks them. Ping must find Kai a safe place. But how?

'When a hidden message from Danzi makes the way clear, Ping knows that once again the journey of a thousand li begins with a single step.' (Publisher's blurb)

16 7 y separately published work icon Heaven's Net Is Wide Lian Hearn , ( trans. Carla Wiberg with title Och himlens vida väv ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2007 Z1430145 2007 single work novel fantasy 'Heaven's Net Is Wide is the new beginning to the celebrated Tales of the Otori, the prequel that reveals the full story of Lord Otori Shigeru, the figure who has presided in both life and death over the entire series, the man who represents the true spirit of the Otori Clan. As the story opens, the young Shigeru, heir to the clan, is eager to assert his authority and to face down treachery from within his own family and hostility from the far corners of the Three Countries. His noble education and training as a warrior have prepared him for leadership and combat, but can anything prepare him for the terrible consequences of loss and defeat? As his youthful determination pushes the Otori inexorably toward war with the rival Tohan Clan and their ruthless, scheming warlord, Iida Sadamu, fate appears to have some difficult lessons in store for Shigeru. Shigeru's life is under constant threat, but just as he is surrounded by implacable enemies, he is also supported by loyal allies, such as Lady Murayama, the only woman rule in the Three Countries. And he has friends among the Tribe, the clandestine network of assassins who not only will protect him but also will reveal the existence of a boy in a remote mountain village - a boy who belongs to the secret sect known as the Hidden, a boy who might prove to be vital to the future of the Otori.' (Source: Book jacket)
2 10 y separately published work icon Circle of Flight John Marsden , ( trans. Nina Östlund with title Vingar som bär ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2007 Z1325239 2006 single work novel young adult

It is a time of profound change for Ellie Linton. Enemies are everywhere. Some come crawling over the hills, others drive in and knock on the front door. Sometimes her friends are there and sometimes they are not. Ellie fights every inch of the way. But when courage and imagination are not enough, when she is trapped and helpless, Ellie must face the end of life as she knows it, standing alone, sustained only by her own strength. (Source: Trove)

7 22 y separately published work icon Ten Things I Hate about Me Randa Abdel-Fattah , ( trans. Maud Steen with title Tio saker jag hatar med mig själv ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2007 Z1311393 2006 single work novel young adult (taught in 5 units) There are a lot of things Jamie hates about her life: her dark hair, her dad's Stone Age Charter of Curfew Rights, her real name - Jamilah Towfeek. For the past three years Jamie has hidden her Lebanese background from everyone at school. It's only with her email friend John that she can really be herself. But now things are getting complicated: the most popular boy in school is interested in her, but there's no way he would be if he knew the truth. Then there's Timothy, the school loner, who for some reason Jamie just can't stop thinking about. As for John, he seems to have a pretty big secret of his own. (Source: Trove)
19 8 y separately published work icon The Harsh Cry of the Heron Lian Hearn , ( trans. Anders Bellis with title Vid hagerns skarpa skri ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2006 Z1296146 2006 single work novel fantasy

'Thanks to his enlightened leadership, 15 years of peace and prosperity have passed since Otori Takeo united the Three Countries, but his enemies continue to plot their revenge—including the Tribe, a ninja-like group of assassins, and the duplicitous Lord Zenko, one of Takeo's retainers. Perhaps the greatest threat, however, is the prophecy of a holy woman that Takeo will die only at his son's hand; his only son, an unacknowledged bastard, is being raised by his sworn enemy Kikuta Akio, the head of a Tribe family. With his beautiful (and legitimate) daughter and heir Shigeko by his side, Takeo must navigate these treacherous shoals to save his lands and his legacy from destruction'. (Publisher's blurb)

4 5 y separately published work icon Incurable John Marsden , ( trans. Nina Östlund with title Ellie : Aldrig Som Förr ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2006 Z1225518 2005 single work novel young adult Ellie has struggled to put the war behind her and lead a normal life. Although what's normal about your parents having been murdered; trying to run a farm and go to school; and bringing up a young boy who's hiding terrible secrets about his past? (Source: Singapore National Library)
11 8 y separately published work icon Garden of the Purple Dragon Carole Wilkinson , ( trans. Ylva Spångberg with title Purpurdraken ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2006 Z1216449 2005 single work children's fiction children's fantasy 'This story is set in Ancient China, during the Han Dynasty. Ping thinks she is safe hiding in the shadow of the Tai Shan mountains. Here she struggles to care for Kai, the baby dragon she is responsible for. But even in her remote mountain hideout, Ping's enemies find her. It is Kai they want. Who can Ping trust? It is impossible to distinguish friend from foe. The easy road beckons. Will they find sanctuary in the Garden of the Purple Dragon? Will Ping embrace her true destiny?'The Dragonkeeper trilogy. (Source: Author's website)
12 31 y separately published work icon Does My Head Look Big in This? Randa Abdel-Fattah , ( trans. Molle Kanmert Sjolander with title Ser mitt huvud tjockt ut i den här? ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2005 Z1208243 2005 single work novel young adult (taught in 4 units)

'Welcome to my world. I'm Amal Abdel-Hakim, a seventeen-year-old Australian-Palestinian-Muslim still trying to come to grips with my various identity hyphens.

'It's hard enough being cool as a teenager when being one issue behind in the latest Cosmo is enough to disqualify you from the in-group. Try wearing a veil on your head and practising the bum's up position at lunchtime and you know you're in for a tough time at school.

Luckily my friends support me, although they've got a few troubles of their own. Simone, blonde, gorgeous and overweight – she's got serious image issues, and Leila's really intelligent but her parents are more interested in her getting a marriage certificate than her high school certificate!

'And I thought I had problems...'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

22 9 y separately published work icon Brilliance of the Moon Lian Hearn , ( trans. Anders Bellis with title Under lysande mane ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2005 Z1119880 2004 single work novel fantasy young adult

Peace comes at the price of bloodshed-five battles will buy you peace, four to win and one to lose. At the temple of Terayama, the words of the blind sage's prophecy continue to haunt Takeo as he readies his armies for battle. Determined to avenge Shigeru's death and claim his rightful inheritance, Takeo and Kaede, together with Takeo's forces; fight their way to the domain of Maruyama. But then they must separate. Takeo makes plans for a battle by the sea, and Kaede returns to her family's home at Shirakawa. Will they see each other again? (Publication summary)


2 12 y separately published work icon While I Live John Marsden , ( trans. Aase Berg with title Så länge jag finns ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2005 Z1070661 2003 single work novel young adult

'Wars never end. They go on loudly or they go on quietly. They grip you with bulldog teeth. The town of Wirrawee is emerging from war, slowly. School's back in, Juicy's is open for coffee, farmers are bidding at the cattle sales. Ellie Linton at last gets what she longed for and what she fought for, to be back on the farm with her parents. But it's not the same. A new nation is on the other side of a new border. Suddenly the war is about to explode into Ellie's life again. The effects are devastating. The consequences will change her forever.' - Dust jacket, (2003)

13 13 y separately published work icon Dragonkeeper Carole Wilkinson , ( trans. Ylva Spångberg with title Drakväktaren ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2005 Z1059200 2003 single work children's fiction children's fantasy (taught in 2 units) In Ancient China during the Han Dynasty a slave girl saves the life of an ageing dragon and escapes her brutal master. Pursued by a ruthless dragon hunter, the girl and the dragon cross China, carrying with them a mysterious stone that must be protected.
35 20 y separately published work icon Across the Nightingale Floor Lian Hearn , ( trans. Carla Wiberg with title Over naktergalens golv ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2005 Z962493 2002 single work novel fantasy young adult (taught in 3 units) 'In his black-walled fortress at Inuyama, the murderous warlord, Iida Sadamu, surveys his famous nightingale floor. Constructed with exquisite skill, it sings at the tread of each human foot. No assassin can cross it unheard. Brought up in a remote mountain village among the Hidden, a reclusive and spiritual people, Takeo has learned only the ways of peace. Why, then, does he possess the deadly skills that make him so valuable to the sinister Tribe? These supernatural powers will lead him to his violent destiny within the walls of Inuyama - and to an impossible longing for a girl who can never be his. His journey is one of revenge and treachery, honour and loyalty, beauty and magic, and the passion of first love.' (Source: Publisher's website)
30 10 y separately published work icon Grass for His Pillow Lian Hearn , ( trans. Anders Bellis with title På kudde av gräs ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2003 Z1068839 2003 single work novel fantasy young adult

'The pseudonymous Hearn's second thrilling installment of her Tales of the Otori trilogy (after 2002's Across the Nightingale Floor) is once again set in a magic-haunted version of medieval Japan where no one wields unchallenged authority and no one is safe. The swirl of treacherous, shifting clan alliances threatens to overwhelm young lovers and aristocrats Takeo and Kaede. Separated throughout most of the action, the two must develop their talents while trying to maintain their integrity. Takeo possesses superhuman gifts such as the ability to become invisible, project a double image of himself and hear distant conversations; however, he must discipline his skills and control his impetuous temper. He also must work out his relationship with the Tribe, a treacherous secret organization of spies and assassins that saved his life but that may have murdered his father. Kaede, meanwhile, has to escape the powerless role of a woman if she is to protect herself and her family domain from predatory neighbors'.

Source: bookseller's website.

4 7 y separately published work icon Winter John Marsden , ( trans. Caroline Zielfelt with title Sanningen om Winter ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2002 Z669062 2000 single work novel young adult For twelve years Winter has been haunted. Her past, her memories, her feelings, will not leave her alone. And now, at sixteen, the time has come for her to act. Every journey begins with a single step. If Winter is going to step into the future, she must first step into the past. (Source: Trove)
7 7 y separately published work icon The Other Side of Dawn John Marsden , ( trans. Elsa Svenson with title På andra sidan gryningen ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2001 Z531693 1999 single work novel young adult Ellie and her friends, five Australian teenagers who survived the enemy invasion of their country, use guerrilla tactics to support a major counterattack by New Zealand troops. (Source: Trove)
8 11 y separately published work icon The Night Is For Hunting John Marsden , ( trans. Elsa Svenson with title I Skymningens Land ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 2001 Z379280 1998 single work novel young adult While trying to care for a group of abandoned young children, five Australian teenagers continue their struggle for survival and their resistance against the enemy invading their homeland. (Source: Trove)
11 29 y separately published work icon Letters from the Inside John Marsden , ( trans. Elsa Svenson with title Breven inifrån ) Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen Bokforlag , 1999 Z193240 1991 single work novel young adult The relationship between two teenage girls who become acquainted through letters intensifies as their correspondence reveals some of the terrible problems of their lives. (Source: Trove)