Sarah Lee Sarah Lee i(A55961 works by) (birth name: Lee Wallis) (a.k.a. Sarah Wallis Lee; Mrs R. Lee; Mrs Robert Lee; Sarah Bowdich; Mrs T. E. Bowdich; Mrs T. E. Bowditch)
Born: Established: 10 Sep 1791 ; Died: Ceased: 23 Sep 1856
Gender: Female
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Sarah Lee was an English writer and artist. She married the naturalist Thomas Edward Bowdich in 1813 and travelled extensively with him, including stints in Gabon and France. Widowed in 1824, and with three children to support, Lee pursued a career as an artist of natural history. In 1826, she married Robert Lee. While Sarah Lee wrote fiction and non-fiction for adults and children, her works of natural history were particularly well regarded.

Most Referenced Works


  • Lee also published numerous works on natural history.

  • Name variant 'Mrs T. E. Bowditch' listed in Australian Children's Books by Marcie Muir and Kerry White (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1992-2004).

Last amended 15 Sep 2021 14:30:17
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