P. F. Collier P. F. Collier i(A53943 works by) (Organisation) assertion (a.k.a. Collier; F. P. Collier and Son; Crowell-Collier; Crowell-Collier and Macmillan; Macmillan Inc.)
Born: Established: 1874 New York (City), New York (State),
United States of America (USA),
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Peter Fenelon Collier began his publishing company in New York in 1874 selling his books on installment plans. He opened a print shop in 1880, and published reprints of classic titles in large numbers. The company published Collier's Weekly, and from 1909, the famous series Harvard Classics. In 1919 the company was purchased by the Crowell Publishing Company and became Crowell-Collier, the imprint P. F. Collier continuing as a subsidiary. After Crowell-Collier acquired a controlling interest in the Macmillan Company in 1960, becoming Crowell-Collier and Macmillan in 1965, and Macmillan Incorporated in 1972, Collier Books became Macmillan's primary paperback imprint. The Macmillan Publishing Company is the major trade subsidiary.

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Last amended 7 Feb 2014 14:22:28
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