Established in 1920, the Golden Cockerel Press was well known for, among other things, the wood engravings of the work of such artists as Eric Gill, David Jones, Agnes Miller Parker, and John Buckland Wright, used for illustrations. It also published original titles by such writers as H. E. Bates, A. E. Coppard, and T. E. Lawrence.
'This Press is a co-operative society for the printing and publishing of books. It is co-operative in the strictest sense. Its members are their own craftsmen, and will produce their books themselves in their own communal workshops without recourse to paid and irresponsible labour. The scheme had its inception in the realization of the inadequacy of the commercial system of a vehicle of the intelligent and artistic expression of the time, and the need for a new and more responsible intermediary between author and public...' - From the first prospectus, The Golden Cockerel Press, 1920