Hermina Burns Hermina Burns i(A50216 works by)
Gender: Female
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1 y separately published work icon Hold On Hermina Burns , Melbourne : Bristlebird Press , 2024 29474887 2024 selected work poetry

'At the heart of Hermina Burns’ seventh poetry collection is the presence and mystery of ‘messy, soft-mouthed love’ and its connections to place, weather, and landscape. The poems confront the difficulty of knowing what love is.

'As critic Jennifer Gribble explains, “holding on proves a rich metaphor in these beautifully crafted poems: ‘explosive covenants of love’ that question and celebrate what memory can hold and be held by. With sensuous immediacy, Hermina Burns locates in the domestic and the daily, in landscape and seascape, the sounds and sights and rhythms that link personal stories with the larger history of our time and place.”' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Barbara Tucker : The Art of Being Hermina Burns , Carlton : Miegunyah Press , 2023 25676658 2023 single work biography

'Much more than a muse; Barbara Tucker was in fact a vital partner in the artistic success of her famed husband

'Barbara Tucker- The Art of Being presents a multifaceted view of Tucker and the life she made with her artist husband Albert. Inspired by accounts of family, friends and admirers attending her memorial, it contains speeches, essays, memoirs and a photo journal. Her nephew Darren Jones and niece Caitlin Graham-Jones give beautifully realised accounts; her godson, Justin O'Brien, rails against a world that seemed to ignore or misinterpret her life; her brother, Peter Bilcock, gives a moving eulogy. Judith Pugh's tribute evokes a marvellously vivid woman and loyal ally; Jinx Nolan's is filled with gratitude and gladness for Barbara's presence. The collection contains contributions from Heide Museum of Modern Art and other institutions that benefited from her foresight and generosity.

'Tucker emerges not just as a woman bound by the role prescribed in her times, but as a complex person with a great gift for friendship, as well as an artist's advocate, agent, defender and facilitator who should carry her own story, independently and unobscured, alongside the story of Albert Tucker and art in Australia.' (Publication summary) 

1 1 y separately published work icon Dodging the Relative Hermina Burns , Rosanna : Bristlebird Press , 2020 23406791 2020 selected work poetry

'In this poetry collection, Dodging the Relative, Hermina Burns considers the complex and tricky relationships we have with fathers, mothers, brother and sisters, step-relations and others. Her poems explore the ways in which relationships with the relative, close or distant, genealogically or in terms of the physical world, shape us even as we attempt to assert an individual and independent self. The poems contemplate the potential costs involved in our relationship with the relative. Drawing on a lifetime of memories and experience, the poems focus on moments in time revealing the interconnections. They pose important questions for us about the extent to which we can create a sense of 'self' separate from the role assigned by birth order, gender or family relationship. And what exactly does it mean that 'everyone is related always?' At the heart of this collection, her fourth, is a woman's relationship with the relative in genealogical and social terms, and with respect to the physical world.'

Source : publisher's blurb

1 1 y separately published work icon Crossing a Line Hermina Burns , Rosanna : Bristlebird Press , 2020 23406475 2020 selected work poetry

'In this poetry collection, Crossing a Line, Hermina Burns reflects on the difficulty, the necessity, and the responsibility of loving country. At the heart of this collection, her third, is a woman's relationship through time with the landscape she inhabits, the landscape of her birth country. These poems confront obvious alterations across the Australian landscape, and evidence of human-induced changes in the climate. Drawing on a lifetime of memories and experience, these poems inquire into the human tendency to not see the consequences of clearing land and fauna; the tendency to maintain an impression of continuance despite being contradicted by reality. Some poems are elegies for aspects of our world already lost; some are lyrical about what particular landscapes still bring to our lives; others in this collection, her third, press us to attend in the present and consider, as individuals, our part in what is happening and our personal responsibility to the earth.'

Source : publisher's blurb

1 1 y separately published work icon Bite of a Bluebottle Hermina Burns , Rosanna : Bristlebird Press , 2019 23406657 2019 selected work poetry

"...These poems shine a light on the everyday and the extraordinary to reveal the hidden lives of women.."

Source : publisher's blurb

1 1 y separately published work icon Against Separation Creek Hermina Burns , Rosanna : Bristlebird Press , 2019 23406346 2019 selected work poetry

"...Explores the inner landscape of grief..."

Source: publisher's blurb

1 ‘Everything Is Visible’ : Considering Laurie Clancy’s Perfect Love Hermina Burns , 2014 single work criticism
— Appears in: JASAL , vol. 14 no. 4 2014;

'By the time Laurie Clancy’s second novel Perfect Love was published in 1983, Clancy had established himself as an academic, critic, short story writer and novelist. Westerly had published his first short story ‘The Wife Specialist’ in 1971. A debut novel The Collapsible Man followed in 1975, to some critical acclaim. It was to share the National Book Council Award of that year. A collection of short stories under the title of his first published short story appeared in 1978. He was already working on his Reader’s Guide to Australian Fiction, though it took a decade to complete, being published in 1992. ' (Author's introduction)

1 The Experiment of Reading: Faltering Expectations Hermina Burns , 2004 single work criticism
— Appears in: Readers, Writers, Publishers : Essays and Poems 2004; (p. 151-160)
Burns examines changes in rationale for the universal teaching of reading. She traces different emphases from the 1872 Victorian Education Act that proclaimed literacy as 'a way to the common good' through to the modern education goal of producing a 'functional individual'. Burns argues that teachers, academics and intellectuals have a role to play in reassembling 'the reasons for reading so that here, in the twenty-first century, we may still have the betterment of society and the individual in view.'
1 Untitled Hermina Burns , 1995 single work review
— Appears in: Viewpoint : On Books for Young Adults , Summer vol. 3 no. 4 1995; (p. 47-48)

— Review of Queen Kat, Carmel and St Jude Get a Life Maureen McCarthy , 1995 single work novel
1 Untitled Hermina Burns , 1995 single work review
— Appears in: Viewpoint : On Books for Young Adults , Winter vol. 3 no. 2 1995; (p. 45)

— Review of Dolphin Song Dianne Wolfer , 1995 single work novel
1 The Novel in the Classroom Hermina Burns , 1993 single work criticism
— Appears in: Viewpoint : On Books for Young Adults , Autumn vol. 1 no. 1 1993; (p. 11-13)