Poppins wrote a number of short works about the Methodist Church, including History and Development of the Laymen's Missionary Movement (1918), Delight to the Heart : A Short Story of the Dudley Orphanage for Indian Girls at Dilkusha 'Delight to the Heart', Fiji (1935), The Frontiers : A Short Account of the Overseas Missions of the Methodist Church of Australasia (1947) and Missionary Honour Board : Historical Sketch of Missionaries Whose Names Are Written Thereon (1953). He also provided lyrics for a song A Gem of the Earth, published in 1934, with music written by Chas. H. Leigh, and wrote The Local Preacher : A P.S.A. Address Given on 30th March, 1952 on the Occasion of the Golden Square, Bendigo, Church Centenary (1952).