Stefan Mrowinski has had his work performed in Polish and English. In Warsaw he worked with the Atheneum Theatre Studio and was the artistic director of the International Experimental Young Open Stage Theatre Studio. During his theatre career in Poland and Europe, spanning fifteen years, he directed over thirty theatre performances and collaborated with directors such as Grotowski, Szajna and Peter Brook. In Australia he settled in Melbourne where he founded the Poetica Theatre Company and the Contemporary Performance Centre, an experimental acting studio. He has lectured at the Victorian College of the Arts Drama and Dance Centre and has also worked as a broadcaster on the Polish program of Radio 3EA. He has been a member of the Australian Writers' Association. Before leaving Poland he published six books of poems and song lyrics, had three plays produced and wrote the lyrics for many recordings.
(Source: Sneja Gunew et al A Bibliography of Australian Multicultural Writers, 1992.)