Anne Gately spent her early years were in the Snowy Mountains region and afterwards in Sydney where she lived till 1994. After completing her studies at the University of New South Wales in 1974, she began her career as a teacher in secondary schools in New South Wales, primarily focusing on teaching drama. She spent some time in the UK as a postgraduate student, and returned to Australia in 1981 to take up a position as a curriculum consultant for the New South Wales Department of Education. She led the early development of drama education in New South Wales schools, resulting in Drama being widely accepted as a subject in secondary schools and becoming an approved subject for study at Higher School Certificate level.
In 1988 Gately took up a position within The Australian Bicentennial Authority with responsibility for Education and Youth Programs. Since 1989 she has worked in professional services marketing roles, where she has gained international experience with leading Australian legal and architectural practices. She has also held marketing and management roles with a number of large Australian public sector organisations, with focus on communication excellence and organisational development and on individual learning and development at all organisational levels.
Anne Gately is a Fellow and non-executive director of the Australian Institute of Management and also a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She has a BA Dip Ed from the University of New South Wales, Master of Arts from the University of Sydney and a Diploma of Drama in Education from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK.