Fae Hewston Stevens Fae Hewston Stevens i(A46994 works by) (a.k.a. Fae Hewston)
Born: Established: 1907 Wedderburn, Wedderburn - Boort - Pyramid Hill area, North West Victoria, Victoria, ;
Gender: Female
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Fae Hewston Stevens was a member of the Hewston family, prominent in musical and sporting circles. She taught music in the Borung, Mysia and Fernihurst districts in Victoria. Stevens trained for two years as a mothercraft nurse and spent two years overseas. She wrote local histories of Victoria including Then the Water Wheel Turned : A History of Lockington and District 1867-1967 (1967); Smoke from the Hill : A Story of the Boort District 1836-1968 (1969) and Golden Grain : A History of Borung 1877-1977 (1977).

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Last amended 30 Oct 2007 12:44:57
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