Cecily Matthews Cecily Matthews i(A45641 works by) (a.k.a. Cecily Clair Matthews)
Born: Established: 1945 ;
Gender: Female
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Matthews has lived in Queensland and worked in libraries.

Most Referenced Works

Awards for Works

y separately published work icon Emily's Rapunzel Hair Sydney : ABC Books , 2005 Z1185160 2005 single work picture book children's

'A storybook for preschoolers and primary readers, featuring seven charming stories about four-year-old Emily as she waits impatiently to grow long, flowing hair just like Rapunzel.' (Publication summary)

2005 winner Australian Family Therapists' Award for Children's Literature Picture Book and Younger Readers
2006 shortlisted CBCA Book of the Year Awards Book of the Year: Early Childhood
Leary's Dog 1993 single work short story children's
— Appears in: The Suncorp Literary Awards 1993 1993; (p. 134-142)
1993 Winner The Suncorp Literary Awards
Last amended 13 Jun 2006 16:35:45
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