Oppen responds to a suite of images, a proof of a book which has never been finished given to her by Lyssiotis. Finding the images brutal and confronting rather than throwing the work away she writes her response questioning how far has feminism got us if someone can still nonchalantly produce images such as these. The coda text about patriarchy is from Grace King’s tumblr stream and was used with permission. This book focuses on keeping open discussion about women, feminism, the patriarchy, media and the overall possibility of gender equality in our present and future societies.
'The most powerful way to breakdown stereotypes is by asking questions, by keeping discussion alive. Only then can we move towards a new reality' (Monica Oppen, Bibliotheca Librorum apud Artificem catalogue).
The second edition was produced in the style and with the materiality of a famous magazine. The images were taken from a selection of women's magazines, notably Harper’s Bazar.