Vitali Vitaliev Vitali Vitaliev i(A45520 works by)
Born: Established: 1954
Former Soviet Union,
Eastern Europe, Europe,
Gender: Male
Arrived in Australia: 1990
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1 Memoirs Vitali Vitaliev , 1998 single work review
— Appears in: The Times Literary Supplement , 2 October 1998;

— Review of Doroga v Avstraliiu : vospominaniia Vladimir Kabo , 1995 single work autobiography

'Vladimir Kabo’s autobiography is distinctive in one way: whereas the majority of East European migrants to Australia regarded it as a place of forced, if comfortable, exile, for him, a well-known Soviet ethnographer (an “Australianist” as he calls himself), who had written several monographs on Australian Aborigines without ever visiting Australia, it was a coveted, yet totally inaccessible, Eldorado. Imagine a university professor of English who has never visited Britain (not an uncommon occurrence in the former Soviet Union).'  (Introduction)

1 y separately published work icon Vitali's Australia Vitali Vitaliev , Milsons Point : Random House , 1991 Z828351 1991 single work