Edward Tannock McPhee Edward Tannock McPhee i(A44485 works by) (a.k.a. Edward Tannoch McPhee; E.T. McPhee)
Born: Established: 9 Oct 1869 Sorell, Sorell area, Southeast Tasmania, Tasmania, ; Died: Ceased: 8 Feb 1952 Hobart, Southeast Tasmania, Tasmania,
Gender: Male
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Edward Tannock McPhee was appointed to the Colonial Treasury in 1885. He transferred to the Government Statistical Department in 1891, and was a Commonwealth Statistician with the Commonwealth Bureau of Statistics from 1933 to 1935. In this role, he had a number of articles and essays published in educational and scientific journals. He also contributed a chapter titled 'The Urbanisation of Australian Population' to Peopling of Australia, edited by P. D. Phillips and G. L. Woods (1928).

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Last amended 23 Jan 2007 12:02:31
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