William Henry Lister William Henry Lister i(A44364 works by) (a.k.a. Will H. Lister; W. H. Lister)
Also writes as: Heinrich Scheinloof
Born: Established: 28 Oct 1866 Brisbane, Queensland, ; Died: Ceased: 15 Oct 1935 Brisbane, Queensland,
Gender: Male
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Educated in Brisbane and Roma, William Henry Lister went on to lead a varied working life in the field of journalism. Editor of Toowoomba's Biz newspaper, owner and editor of the North Coast Star and Moreton Mail, Lister also contributed content to such journals as The Bulletin. He wrote a column for The Queenslander in 1935, Grandfather's Talks which often included a poem.

Brisbane radio station 4QG broadcast Lister's 'A Thought for To-night' as a segment during night programmes. The popularity of these 'gems of philosophy' with listeners was such that Lister had a compilation published. (Thoughts for To-night, pp. 6-7.)

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Last amended 28 May 2010 10:41:57
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