Denis Cryle (158) comments: 'By the turbulent 1890s, bush ballads and regional writing echoed conflicts in the central Queensland pastoral industry. The pamphlet Droving Experiences, published by the Morning Bulletin for E. G. Tomkins, reflects the changing relations between masters and men. In his long poem based on a droving trip from Rockhampton, the author records characters and conditions, including a successful strike by the drovers for higher wages. Without resorting to the industrial warfare that erupted a year later ('I do not blame employers here'), it anticipates a period in which Henry Lawson's underdog sentiments appear more immediate than the playfulness of Paterson.'
(Denis Cryle '(Re)Writing Traditions: The Bush Ethos in Central Queensland Writing', By the Book: A Literary History of Queensland ed. Patrick Buckridge and Belinda Mckay (2007): 158).