Charles Carter was the treasurer of the Australian Literature Society in the early 1920s and published regularly in its journal Corroboree (1921-1923). He is the author of more than twenty plays that were mostly performed by amateur societies in Melbourne, notably For Australia ; Or, Between Two Capitals (Bijou Theatre, Melbourne, 1897) and Madame Fortuna (1922). None of his plays were published, except for the 'military dramatette' Destructo, which was serialised in the Fitzroy City Press in 1909 and later adapted by its author for radio.
Carter also claimed authorship of a play called Mr Christian Masters, which he said in the publication of Destructo had been produced (therefore, prior to 1909): this play has not yet been traced.
Carter was 75 when he died by suicide, jumping from the fifth floor of the Spencer Street GPO, in Melbourne. He had retired twenty years earlier from the Arabic Roof Composition Company.