William Michael Steele William Michael Steele i(A4067 works by)
Born: Established: 1908 Glenelg, Holdfast Bay area, Adelaide - South West, Adelaide, South Australia, ;
Gender: Male
Expatriate assertion Departed from Australia: 1954
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William Michael Steele was educated at St. Peter's College, Adelaide from 1918-1925. He began work with an agricultural supplier, Elder, Smith and Company, in 1926 and wrote his poetry over a forty year career in Adelaide, Perth, and Slough in Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom. Steele was bursar of Christ Church Grammar School, Claremont, Western Australia from 1950 to 1953 after recovering from tuberculosis in the late 1940s. In 1954 he left Australia for Italy and in 1956 moved to England. One of the highlights of his life was a period on a sheep station in outback South Australia.

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Last amended 14 Jan 2008 08:36:48
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