Australian Science Fiction Association Australian Science Fiction Association i(A38790 works by) (Organisation) assertion
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1 y separately published work icon Science Fiction News 1969 Canberra : Australian Science Fiction Association , 1969- Z1711492 1969 periodical (3 issues)

Science Fiction News originally commenced in January 1953 and lapsed after its 24th issue of May 1959. The present series commenced in January 1969 and was at first a regular monthly - later going on an irregular schedule so that by November 1986 the hundredth issue was reached (No. 100, November 1986).

A general newsletter with notes, articles and reviews of new books from around the world, the News also contained from the mid 1970s an occasional series titled 'Notes on Australian Science Fiction'.

1 y separately published work icon Australian Science Fiction Index, 1925-1967 Graham Stone , Canberra : Australian Science Fiction Association , 1968 Z239690 1968 single work bibliography