Irene Moores Irene Moores i(A36230 works by)
Born: Established: 1912 ; Died: Ceased: 1994
Gender: Female
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Irene Moores first became involved in the fight for justice for families who had lost a loved family member while in Police custody in 1987. On 14th April 1987 she attended a meeting at the Sydney Town Hall organised by the Committee to Defend Black Rights. This meeting's purpose was to call for a Royal Commission into the dramatic increase into the spate of deaths in custody of aboriginal men, well above the average for the previous six years.

She worked tirelessly for the Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Watch Committee, moved to do so by her memories of the suspicious death of Billy, an aboriginal man with whom she formed a strong bond of friendship when she first met him as a child in Canbelego, in far-western New South Wales.

Source: (Sighted 22/11/2013)

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Last amended 22 Nov 2013 11:56:29
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