'Julian Thomas is a leading scholar of the cultural and social aspects of new communications technologies. His work attends particularly to the role, and limits, of law and policy in shaping media and culture, and to the irregular and protracted nature of contemporary digital transformations. His research has cast new light on some of the most challenging research and policy problems in communication today, including media piracy and industry change, digital inequalities, and the relations between intellectual property and cultural policy. Professor Thomas has a long track-record in leadership of the digital evolution of HASS communication. He has been responsible for the direction of the open-access research repository Australian Policy Online since its establishment in 2002. He was inquiry research manager for the Productivity Commission’s 1999-2000 broadcasting inquiry, and has represented consumer interests as a longstanding member of the Australian Communications and Media Authority’s statutory consumer committee, and of Telstra’s CEO’s Consumer Roundtable. He is currently Professor in the School of Media and Communication at RMIT University.' (Source : Australian Academy of the Humanities website)