Ron Elisha Ron Elisha i(A35590 works by)
Born: Established: 1951 Jerusalem,
Middle East, Asia,
Gender: Male
Arrived in Australia: 1953
Heritage: Jewish
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Ron Elisha, a speaker of Hebrew, graduated from Melbourne University in 1975 with a degree in Medicine, and has since practised as a general practitioner. He has been a member of the Australian Writer's Guild, the Fellowship of Australian Writers (FAW) and PEN International. He received the 1990 Best Screenplay Houston International Film Festival Gold Award for By My Own Authority. He read at the Sunflower Bookshop in 1990.

Most Referenced Works


  • Author writes in these languages:ENGLISH
  • Has also written scripts for television, film and radio. Won an AWGIE award for the television play Death Duties in the ABC series Six Pack.

Personal Awards

2018 shortlisted Patrick White Playwrights' Award for 'Children of the Confederacy'

Awards for Works

Everyman and His Dog 2022 single work drama

'John Everyman has been gifted a dog - an unwelcome intrusion into an otherwise ordered life. But the demands of ‘owning’ one lead that life in directions he hadn’t anticipated. In a compellingly human story that ranges from slapstick through to pathos (and all stops between), this gentle yet moving reflection on the meaning of life and love will send you out into the night with a sense of having journeyed to the heart of what it is to be human.

'‘Everyman & His Dog’ was inspired, somewhat obviously, by the expression itself which, like most idiomatic expressions, can be contracted to just one word: Everyone.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

2024 shortlisted AWGIE Awards Stage Award Original
Stainless Steel Rat Man in the Middle 2011 single work drama "If we can only live once, then let it be a daring adventure that draws on all our powers." Julian Assange.

In this daring new play, simple questions are asked. Who is Julian Assange? A bogan with a modem? Or the most consequential revolutionary Australian of our time? How is it possible that a self-educated hactivist from the outskirts of Melbourne, who never finished high school, could change the world and initiate a global chess game in which Barack Obama, Dmitry Medvedev and even our own Julia Gillard are not just key players, but pieces on the board itself?

This 'wikiplay', an expose on the secrecy of government being destroyed by new concepts of technology, derives inspiration from the words of Assange himself: "Change the world... through passion, inspiration and trickery!" (Source: Showbiz website)
2012 nominated AWGIE Awards Stage Award
y separately published work icon Freedom Hobart : Australian Script Centre , 2006 Z1596021 2006 single work drama

'US President Charles Foster Raye (Chuck) is due to address the UN in order to try and avert an all out war with China. He approaches a speechwriter, Theresa, in order to write the first great speech of the 21st century for the occasion. Unable to resist such an opportunity, she takes on the challenge, then panics, terrified that she will be unable to deliver. Norman, her therapist, offers to help her through the process. Together, with the iconic speeches of the 20th century projected over the entire set, they deconstruct each speech, in an effort to discover what makes it work.

'The reason that Norman offers to help Theresa is that he is deeply in love with her, but cannot say anything because of the therapeutic relationship. Norman's therapist, Prudence, disapproves strongly. Never having been in a serious relationship herself, she aches for the touch of another human being, but would never dream of acting on this desire.

'As it happens, Prudence is also the President's therapist. Chuck is not coping, and is on the verge of a total breakdown. Prudence feels she should somehow reveal his predicament, for the public good, but is restrained by her fear of destabilising the nation in a time of crisis.

'As the public rhetoric of freedom grows increasingly hyperbolic with each successive speech, the personal freedom of each of the characters progressively narrows, as they become increasingly trapped by their circumstances.

'A moving study of the illusory nature of freedom in the West.' (Publisher's blurb)

2007 shortlisted Griffin Award for New Australian Playwriting
Last amended 24 Feb 2021 13:30:20
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