Patrick Morgan Patrick Morgan i(A32738 works by)
Born: Established: 1941 ;
Gender: Male
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1 y separately published work icon Living Memory : Selected Essays 1964-2014 Patrick Morgan , Redland Bay : Connor Court Publishing , 2021 23827117 2021 selected work essay

'This book is a selection of essays published over half a century. They appeared in a variety of journals, and are grouped under the headings: The Public Realm, Folkways, Russia and East Europe, Australian Literature and Australian society. They argue that all cultures have an underground dimension which acts as a balance to its overt one. Heterodox political and religious notions can survive in subliminal form in literature to avoid detection by dominant cultures. In times of drastic change survivals from the past can have a brief last flowering in literature: ‘Things reveal themselves passing away’, as Yeats understood. Our personalities and our nations are not monochrome entities but layered amalgams of all that has gone before. These deposits form the substratum on which our civil society is grounded. Civil society itself can be corroded when the public realm tries to suborn rather than protect the intermediate and private sectors in society. Literature and history are the domains where these relentless processes of coagulation and dissolution are best understood.' (Publication summary)

1 The Full Texture of Literary Life Patrick Morgan , 2021 single work review
— Appears in: Quadrant , July/August vol. 65 no. 7 2021; (p. 104-105)

— Review of Marcus Clarke : Novelist, Journalist and Bohemian Michael Wilding , 2021 multi chapter work criticism
1 A Blast from the Past Patrick Morgan , 2021 single work review
— Appears in: Quadrant , May vol. 65 no. 5 2021; (p. 74-76)

— Review of The Diviner Comedy : A Novel Desmond O'Grady , 2021 single work novel
In the jubilee year of 2000, a veteran Australian journalist in Rome, Gerardo Tobino, comes across a down-at-heel but imperious figure who is passed off under the name of Daniele Allegri. Tobino recognises him as a reincarnation of Dante Alighieri, who died 700 years ago, and whose biography he has yearned to write. (Introduction)
1 Gaming Ned Kelly Patrick Morgan , 2020 single work review
— Appears in: Quadrant , April vol. 64 no. 4 2020; (p. 91-92)

— Review of Ned Kelly : A Lawless Life Doug Morrissey , 2015 single work biography ; Ned Kelly : Selectors, Squatters and Stock Thieves Doug Morrissey , 2018 single work biography
'The Australian mateship myth had some useful-ness when it was formulated in the 1950s by A.A. Phillips and Russel Ward, since it provided an alternative explanation to British-Australian perspectives on Australia at the time. But the time has long passed when it should be looked at uncritically and regurgitated in its original monochrome version.' (Introduction)
1 Hal Colebatch, an Engish-Australian Identity Patrick Morgan , 2019 single work obituary (for Hal Colebatch )
— Appears in: Quadrant , November vol. 63 no. 11 2019; (p. 44-46)
'The Western Australian author Hal Colebatch, born in 1945, died unexpectedly on September 9 during a stay in a Perth hospital. His personality settled early, and was not for turning. A tall, thin six-foot-sixer with a deep voice and commanding, even formidable, personality, he was not easily forgotten. But he did not use these qualities to push himself; he was at the same time reticent about explaining his deepest feelings, realising that they were increasingly at a discount. An adamantine stance on many issues limited his range of acquaintances. An aura of distance, even separation, marked him. He divulged no personal mood changes nor inner feelings to the public. He was not swayed by what others thought about him, having the courage to stick to his unfashionable guns. But in later life his views became more mainstream, as many former liberals, refugees from the counter-culture, and appalled by the shrinking focus of identity politics, came to understand the value of the traditional beliefs which Hal always adhered to.' (Introduction)
1 Les Murray, Literary Editor Vivian Smith , Patrick Morgan , Suzanne Edgar , Geoff Page , Diana Figgis , Katherine Spadaro , Philippa Martyr , Russell Erwin , 2019 single work column
— Appears in: Quadrant , January/February vol. 63 no. 1/2 2019; (p. 12-17)
'Les Murray has retired as Quadrant’s Literary Editor. He held the position from March 1990 until this issue. We asked some of our writers if they would like to contribute their thoughts on Les’s tenure as Literary Editor. Such is the esteem in which he is held that we were overwhelmed with responses. We print some of them here.' (Introduction)
1 Motivated by a Penchant for Patronage Patrick Morgan , 2015 single work column
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 1-2 August 2015; (p. 20)
1 Not so Marvellous Melbourne Patrick Morgan , 2015 single work review
— Appears in: Quadrant , March vol. 59 no. 3 2015; (p. 107-110)

— Review of Wild Bleak Bohemia : Marcus Clarke, Adam Lindsay Gordon and Henry Kendall - A Documentary Michael Wilding , 2014 single work biography
1 Living in Protest : The Case of Herb Feith Patrick Morgan , 2012 single work criticism
— Appears in: Quadrant , April vol. 56 no. 4 2012; (p. 24-28)
1 James Hogan, the First Historian of Irish Australia Patrick Morgan , 2011 single work biography
— Appears in: Tintean , September no. 17 2011; (p. 24-7)
1 Don't Truckle with Treason Patrick Morgan , 2011 single work review
— Appears in: Quadrant , September vol. 55 no. 9 2011; (p. 124-125)

— Review of Dismissal Nicholas Hasluck , 2011 single work novel
1 y separately published work icon Foothill Farmers : Literature of Gippsland Patrick Morgan , Ensay : Ngarak Press , 2010 Z1887466 2010 single work criticism 'The province of Gippsland has an extensive imaginative literature of poetry, novels, plays, short stories and children's books. This book analyses imaginative works relating to exploration, Aborigines, squatting selection, mining, timber-getting, war and other topics. A bibliography listing 80 authors and 130 books is included.' (Publisher's blurb)
1 The Royal Family of Australian Communism Patrick Morgan , 2010 single work criticism
— Appears in: Quadrant , September vol. 54 no. 9 2010; (p. 12-15)
1 Poet and Priest Patrick Morgan , 2010 single work column
— Appears in: Tintean , September no. 13 2010; (p. 24)
1 Who was Bogong Jack? Patrick Morgan , 2010 single work criticism
— Appears in: Quadrant , June vol. 54 no. 6 2010; (p. 42-44)
1 The Calm After the Storm Patrick Morgan , 2010 single work review
— Appears in: Quadrant , January-February vol. 54 no. 1-2 2010; (p. 119-120)

— Review of The Cambridge History of Australian Literature 2009 reference ; Cyril Hopkins' Marcus Clarke Cyril Manley Hopkins , 2009 multi chapter work biography
1 A Life in Two Hemispheres Patrick Morgan , 2009 single work review
— Appears in: Tintean , December no. 10 2009; (p. 28-9)

— Review of The Riddle of Father Hackett : A Life in Ireland and Australia Brenda Niall , 2009 single work biography
1 Duped and Self-Duped Patrick Morgan , 2009 single work review
— Appears in: Quadrant , September vol. 53 no. 9 2009; (p. 118-199)

— Review of Political Tourists : Travellers from Australia to the Soviet Union in the 1920s-1940s 2008 anthology biography
1 Biography as Reprimand Patrick Morgan , 2009 single work review
— Appears in: Quadrant , May vol. 53 no. 5 2009; (p. 109-111)

— Review of Journey Without Arrival : The Life and Writing of Vincent Buckley John McLaren , 2009 single work biography
1 An Early Book on the Monaro Patrick Morgan , 2009 single work criticism
— Appears in: Margin , April no. 77 2009; (p. 14-16)
The author argues that in Henry Haygarth's Recollections of Bush Life in Australia (1848) Haygarth 'rehearses many of the main motifs of subsequent writing on Gippsland...'