Ron Callander Ron Callander i(A32318 works by) (a.k.a. R. N. Callander; Ronald Norcott Callander)
Born: Established: 1933 ;
Gender: Male
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Works By

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1 The Paternoster Ron Callander , 2017 single work short story
— Appears in: Quadrant , March vol. 61 no. 3 2017; (p. 105-110)
'I n winter in Hamburg—the busiest port in Europe—when gangways are slippery and frozen handrails take the skin off an ungloved hand, when the wind along the Elbe is like a razor around your ears, and in the many harbour channels where traffic is least, you can find sheets of ice as big as a tabletop which rock and clack together as barges and tenders and tugs nudge their way through, and snowdrifts pile up at the entrance to our shipping office at the dockside.' (Introduction)
1 Rain from Another Planet Ron Callander , 2016 single work short story
— Appears in: Quadrant , July - August vol. 60 no. 7- 8 2016; (p. 131-135)
1 y separately published work icon One Beat of a Butterfly's Heart : A Tanganyika Police Notebook Ron Callander , South Africa : 30° South Publishers , 2014 9257007 2014 single work prose

'In this book we are given a unique view of East Africa of the 1950s; not the stereotyped picture of wildlife safaris and leaping Masai, but the emerging independence struggle of a new African nation from the viewpoint of a white police office, in an exceptionally detailed, thoroughly readable, firsthand account of a rare period of recent history. It tells how an Australian veteran, fresh from the Korean War, became a colonial police officer in Tanganyika Territory (later Tanzania after federation with the offshore islands of Zanzibar in 1964).

'The reader is taken on a journey which tourists in Africa never see: from back alleys and police cells in the polyglot city of Dar es Salaam, to snake-infested camps on Uganda–Ruanda border patrols, and on police field force emergency operations from barracks at the foot of Kilimanjaro. There is much here to discover about a mostly benign semi-colonial period in Africa which lasted less than fifty years, passing, in one African’s description, as briefly as a butterfly’s heartbeat; where a few conscientious white administrators and their loyal African assistants managed vast regions of a desolate territory with remarkably selfless care and scarce resources; where things worked most of the time, but sometimes where chaos reigned. It is about the country itself, its ubiquitous animals and its people at close range, including villagers, criminals, hunters, witch doctors, and colonial officials, but most of all, the African askari policemen who were the author’s close—and often only—companions.' (Publication summary)

1 Look of Love Ron Callander , 1999 single work short story
— Appears in: Quadrant , January-February vol. 43 no. 1-2 1999; (p. 103-107)
1 John Gordon Morrison, AM : Goodbye to an Old Friend Ron Callander , 1999 single work biography
— Appears in: Overland , Winter no. 155 1999; (p. 79-81)
1 A View of Chapultepec Park Ron Callander , 1997 single work short story
— Appears in: Enter... : HQ/Flamingo Short Story Collection : 25 New Short Stories from the HQ/Flamingo Competition 1997; (p. 65-76)
1 Dog Days (for Rachel) Ron Callander , 1993 single work short story
— Appears in: Overland , Autumn no. 130 1993; (p. 57-60)
1 The Killing Ground Ron Callander , 1985 single work short story
— Appears in: Overland , July no. 99 1985; (p. 25-28)
1 form y separately published work icon The Third Witness Ron Callander , Melbourne : Australian Broadcasting Commission , 1966 7143097 1966 single work film/TV

According to contemporary news reports, 'The story [was] built around the military occupation of an uneasy middle east country and a modern version of the Resurrection'.


Hay, John. 'Sanders' Spring Twitch', The Canberra Times, 26 August 1966, p.13.