John Killick John Killick i(A28434 works by)
Gender: Male
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Awards for Works

y separately published work icon The Last Escape Chatswood : New Holland , 2017 14505055 2017 single work autobiography

'Career criminal John Killick was involved in the most audacious prison break in Australian history when he escaped from Sydney’s Silverwater prison after his partner in crime Lucy Dudko commandeered a scenic helicopter flight at gunpoint.

'Australia’s ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ spent 45 days on the run before being caught… Killick was sentenced to 23 years jail; Dudko to ten. After his release, the pair meet up again but are they the same people? Is the magic still there?

'This is John Killick’s story – raw, confronting and redemptive.

'This is his story of self-discovery, of a wasted life of years in prison, and one which he hopes will stop other young offenders from making similar mistakes.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

2018 longlisted Ned Kelly Awards for Crime Writing Best True Crime
Last amended 6 May 2005 14:28:39
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