Maria Vidal Maria Vidal i(A27705 works by) (a.k.a. Maria Vidal Grau)
Gender: Female
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2 15 y separately published work icon To the Death, Amic John Bryson , ( trans. Nuria Casado et. al. )agent with title Hasta la Muerta, Amigo ) Spain : Editorial Molino , 2006 Z529000 1994 single work novel

A novel written true to the histories, and true to the memories of Enric Torres i Barbo, whose life and philosophies this novel takes for its guide.

Twin boys Enric and Josep, at ten years of age, served as spies and couriers in the Resistance by the Republican Spanish against the invasion of Fascist forces in Spain, then from Italy and Germany during the Civil War.'

Source: Publisher's blurb (Port Campbell Press).

1 John Kinsella, Through His Poetry Maria Vidal , Nuria Casado , 1999 single work interview
— Appears in: Southerly , Spring-Summer vol. 59 no. 3-4 1999; (p. 157-171)
2 Encounter with Venero Armanno Maria Vidal , Carmen Zamorano , 1998 single work interview
— Appears in: Multi-Cultural Voices : Interviews with Writers and Critics from Australia 1998; (p. 15-36)

— Appears in: Westerly , Winter vol. 44 no. 2 1999; (p. 25-40)