Isobel Robin Isobel Robin i(A27280 works by)
Born: Established: 1924 Mosman, Cremorne - Mosman - Northbridge area, Sydney Northeastern Suburbs, Sydney, New South Wales, ;
Gender: Female
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Isobel Robin lived in Melbourne after being educated in Adelaide, Brisbane and Melbourne. She worked as an advertising copywriter and as a secretary in the Philosophy Department at Monash University, where, as a mature-age student, she obtained her M.A., her thesis being titled Devolutions of Power in 'The Dynasts' and other works of Thomas Hardy (1998).

Most Referenced Works

Awards for Works

Easter Morning, Delphi i "Last night they mourned for Dionysos dead.", 1982 single work poetry
— Appears in: Paper Children : Selections From the McGregor Literary Competitions, 1980-81 1982; (p. 62) Pen Friends : Poems 1984; (p. 53)
1980 McGregor Literary Competition Poetry The introduction states that the selected poems and stories were commended or awarded prizes in the 1980 and 1981 McGregor Literary Competition. However, the neither the placings nor the year of entry is given anywhere in the publication.
Last amended 21 Jun 2007 12:58:54
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