Lesley Mary Cox Lesley Mary Cox i(A27182 works by) (a.k.a. Cox, Lesley M)
Gender: Female
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Lesley Cox began her education in music, movement and drama at the age of five when Heather Gell introduced Dalcroze Eurythmics to Australia. She participated in Gell's nativity plays and children's fantasies, and in her Centenary Pageant, Heritage, in 1936. When Gell moved to Sydney, Lesley Cox trained with her as a teacher, then returned to take over the Adelaide studio from Mary Jolley (Lady de Crespigny). She took on full-time teaching in schools and kindergartens, and gave private studio lessons to both children and adults. She also became a lecturer in Music and Movement at the Kindergarten Training College in North Adelaide and conducted various teachers' courses. She produced plays in a number of venues throughout Adelaide, assisted Heather Gell in her production of the pre-school television programme Playroom, and had input into the Christian Television Association programme Look. She pioneered sacred dance as part of church worship in Adelaide in the 1960s. In 1957 she gained the first Australian Licentiate in Dalcroze Eurythmics teaching and from that time conducted her own School of Music, Movement and Drama with colleague Merle Walkington. Lesley Cox has written and produced a number of plays, Christmas scenes, mimes, dance dramas and puppet plays, and has choreographed them using all kinds of music. She ran the Expressive Arts Course in the Schoolof Education at Flinders University (dates?) In 1965 she travelled with Heather Gell to Geneva to the international conference and summer school marking the centenary of the birth of Emile Jaques-Dalcroze. She is married, with children. As well as the books of plays listed here, she has written resource books on music, rhythm and movement for teachers.

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  • Cox has also written music textbooks for children.
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