Les Petersen Les Petersen i(A26693 works by) (a.k.a. L.J. Petersen; Les J. Petersen)
Born: Established: 1956
New Zealand,
Pacific Region,
Gender: Male
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Les Peterson completed an Associate Diploma of Creative Arts at Mitchell College of Advanced Education. He is primarily an illustrator (mostly covers of science fiction texts), who has written some short stories. He was inaugural Art Editor of Andromeda Spaceways magazine (2002). He has worked as a freelance illustrator since 2001, illustrating at least 50 book covers since then for various science fiction publishing houses. He won the 2003 Ditmar Award for Best Fan Artist, and has been nominated numerous times for the Ditmar Professional Artist award. He was shortlisted for the 1998 George Turner Prize for his unpublished novel 'Supplejack'. He has worked as a cartoonist for the Canberra Times and been a design consultant for New Parliament House, Canberra.

Most Referenced Works

Personal Awards

2005 shortlisted Ditmar Awards Best Artwork Shortlisted for three separate works: the cover of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine no. 12, the cover and internals of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine no. 16, and the cover of the anthology Encounters.
2004 shortlisted Ditmar Awards Best Artwork Two nominations: for the cover of Elsewhere (ed. by Michael Barry) and for the cover of The High Lord (by Trudi Canavan).
2004 winner Ditmar Awards Best Fan Artist (for Battle Elf (Conflux) poster)
Last amended 26 Jun 2014 13:35:34
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