Andras Domahidy was born in Szatmár, Satu Mare, Romania and obtained a degree of Doctor of Philosophy in law from Budapest University in 1943 and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Western Australia in 1966. He served in the Hungarian army and at the end of WW II was selected for promotion from sergeant to lieutenant of the Fourth Regiment of Hungarian Hussars. Between 1945 and 1947 he farmed what was left of the family estate at County Szatmár. He then moved to Budapest where he worked as an articled clerk. Leaving Hungary in 1948, he spent two years in Vienna, Innsbruck and Bavaria before migrating to Australia, where he worked in a factory for three years and then as a clerk with an insurance firm. He began writing during this time. In 1960 he began working as a librarian with the University of Western Australia Library. In 1966, 1967 and 1973 he undertook study trips to Lausanne and London. In 1979 he was appointed Law Librarian at the University of Western Australia. In 1969 he won the Lehel Prize for Literature for his book Vénasszonyok Nyara. He has given a public lecture on his own work at the Proceedings of the first New Norcia Symposium, Holy Trinity Abbey, New Norcia, Western Australia in 1985.