Charlee Marshall was was born in the early days of the Great Depression and educated at Upper Ulam and Rockhampton in Queensland. He worked as a school teacher at various schools around Central Queensland and the Callide Valley, before settling near Thangool. Some of his short stories were published as part of the Australian 'Golden Dagger Mysteries' series. He has won fiction and poetry competitions around Australia, and has given recitations at festivals, including the National Folk Festivals at Kuranda and Adelaide.
Marshall's cricketing exploits are known through Queensland country areas and he has been a member of many Central Queensland teams. He has held the record for the most 'Bowling Aggregate' wins in Brisbane Country Week.
The Banana Shire Council in coordination with the Banana Shire Library sponsors an annual bush poetry competition in memory of Charlee Marshall, The Golden Cockatoo Awards for adults, the Silver Budgie Award for juniors and the Rainbow Lorikeet Award for primary school children.